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Alice Springs Bees > Alice Springs Bees Index

Megachile deanii belong within the subgenus Rhodomegachile, genus Megachile, that describes bees with black integument on the head and thorax and have red-orange abdomen. The Megachile (Rhodomegachile) deanii have a more orange to coppery coloured abdomen.

They are known to nest in small cavities such as in the following vacated small mud nest on the under cover porch wall of a house in Alice Springs. In the same nest, there was witnessed three Megachile deanii visiting the one nesting hole.

Megachile (Rhodomegachile) deanii, Alice Springs NT
Megachile (Rhodomegachile) deanii, Alice Springs NT

In the following photograph, you can see the head of one Megachile deanii bee and the abdomen of another Megachile deanii bee entering the same nesting hole.

Megachile (Rhodomegachile) deanii, Alice Springs NT
Megachile (Rhodomegachile) deanii, Alice Springs NT

Check out our Queensland Southern Downs Bees > Megachile deanii and blog Trouble at the nest…

More information on Bees > Megachile > Megachile (Rhodomegachile) deanii

  • Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Subphylum: Hexapoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Informal: Pterygotes
  • Order: Hymenoptera
  • Superfamily: Apoidea
  • Informal: Apiformes
  • Family: Megachilidae
  • Subfamily: Megachilinae
  • Tribe: Megachilini
  • Genus: Megachile
  • Subgenus: Rhodomegachile
  • Species: Megachile deanii

Footnote & References

  1. Megachile deanii, iNaturalistAU,
  2. Megachile (Rhodomegachile), Exotic Bee ID,

Alice Springs BeesAmegilla Bee Braunsapis sp Bright-white Masked Bee Bush Bee Ceylalictus perditellus European Honey Bee Euryglossinae Exoneurella eremophila Furrow Bee Golden-browed Resin Bee Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) eremaean Lasioglossum (Homalictus) Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) Lipotriches Megachile deanii Red-headed Masked Bee Stenotritidae genus Stenotritus Xanthesma (Xenohesma)

Alice Springs FaunaAlice Springs Native Bees Alice Springs Beetles Alice Springs Birds Alice Springs Gastropods (Gastropoda) Alice Springs Insects Alice Springs Marsupials Alice Springs Reptiles Alice Springs Spiders

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