Central Australia Wildflowers | Mass Wildflower Displays | Non-Indigenous Flowering Plants
Australia have beautiful examples of flowering shrubs and trees. Even in the arid heart of our country, when the blooms come out, local fauna including insects, birds and people, get to enjoy, smell and taste some of these amazing blooms.
Enjoy the following floral display of wildflowers on our flowering shrubs and trees.
- Desert Grevillea (Grevillea juncifolia)
- Fork Leaved Corkwood (Hakea divaricata)
- Honey Grevillea (Grevillea eriostachya)
- Holly Grevillea (Grevillea wickhamii)
- Long Leaved Corkwood (Hakea lorea)
- Rattlepod Grevillea (Grevillea stenobotrya)
- Round-leaf Wattle (Acacia strongylophylla)
- Wild Passionfruit (Capparis spinosa var. nummularia)
All images © Ausemade PL