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Flora and fauna is a subject close to our hearts here at Ausemade. In Australia, we have a diverse range of flora and fauna that are unique to this continent. In Australia there is an amazing array of life from the tiniest of insects to the huge whales that swim up and down our coastline, from the smallest of plants to the enormous and in some cases trees from a prehistoric era. Even in our own backyards, we can be surprised and delighted by what grows and lives there.
The arid heart of Central Australia is a beautiful region encompassing endless outback roads, flat horizons, spectacular ranges (some extending for some 600 kms), gorges, chasms, gaps, monolith rocks, huge salt pans, claypans, dry river beds and permanent water holes.
Far from being devoid of life, the region is brimming with unique flora and fauna. During the dry seasons that extend into drought, life clings on, and when the rain falls, sometimes so heavy that former dry river beds become raging torrents, mother nature goes into hyper drive and the landscape will turn green, wildflowers and wildlife appear in abundance.
Whether it is the marsupials, mammals, reptiles, birds, desert fish, frogs, insects, wildflowers, trees and shrubs… there is life everywhere.
Follow the index link for our current listing of Fauna and Flora, with more content being continually added. some of our related topic include Backyard Wildlife and Wildflowers.
- Fauna
— following are some recent and popular addition to our wildlife section. For a full listing of our wildlife, check out our Fauna Index (with more content to be added).
- Funga
— the taxonomic kingdom is Fungi, although in some classification schemes they are a division of the kingdom Plantae. The Fungi comprise all the different fungus groups of spore-producing organisms, usually feeding on organic matter, and include moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.
this is a new recent section and a work in progress…
- Flora
— following are some recent and popular addition to our plants section. For a full listing of our plants, check out our Flora Index (with more content to be added).
Image (featured at top): Fork Leaved Corkwood (Hakea divaricata) © Ausemade PL
Flora & FaunaFauna Flora Fauna Flora Funga Glossary Funga Related Topics Scientific Classification Backyard Wildlife Floral Emblems of Australia Wildflowers