Alice Springs Flora •

Alice Springs FloraAlice Springs Flora Index Acacia ligulata Annual Yellowtop Bougainvillea Apple Bush Burdekin Plum Carob Tree (Ceratonia siliqa) Cattle Bush Desert Cotton (Aerva javanica) Desert Oak Eremophila Wildberry Feijoa sellowiana Flannel Cudweed Fork-leaf Corkwood Ghost Gum Golden Everlasting Kurrajong Lemon-flowered Gum MacDonnell’s Desert Fuchsia Native Bluebell Native Tomato Needlewood Olive Tree Perennial Yellow Top Rat’s Tail River Red Gum Inland River Red Gum Rosy Dock Round-leaved Mallee Scurvy Grass Silky Eremophila Stemodia viscosa Striped Mintbush Sturt’s Desert Pea Sturt’s Desert Rose Tangled Leschenaultia Tar Vine Weeping Bottlebrush White Cedar Yellow Billybutton Yellow-keeled Swainsona Yellow Oleander

The Striped Mintbush (Prostanthera striatiflora), also commonly known as Streaked Mintbush and Jockey’s Cap, belongs to a group of plants known as ‘mint bushes’, whose leaves are highly aromatic.

Striped Mintbush (Prostanthera striatiflora), Alice Springs NT
Striped Mintbush (Prostanthera striatiflora), Alice Springs NT

A shrub that grows up to 2 metres high, in its natural habitat, the Striped Mintbush is often found growing on rocky outcrops, slopes and creeklines. The Striped Mintbush pictured here, was growing on the rocky slopes, on the north side of the Mount Gillen range.

Striped Mintbush (Prostanthera striatiflora), west side of Alice Springs NT
Striped Mintbush (Prostanthera striatiflora), west side of Alice Springs NT

The shrub flowers in late winter to spring, covering the shrub in clusters of white flowers, appearing towards the end of the branches. The flowers throat open to reveal prominent purple-striped and orange-yellow dots on the lower side.

Striped Mintbush (Prostanthera striatiflora), Alice Springs NT
Striped Mintbush (Prostanthera striatiflora), Alice Springs NT

Known as Arrwatnurlke by the local Arrernte people the plant is used by them as bush medicine either by crushing the leaves and using the extract as rubbing medicine and to dry out sores, or burning the leaves to make inhaling smoke to treat flu-like symptoms.

  • Scientific classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Charophyta
  • Class: Equisetopsida
  • Subclass: Magnoliidae
  • Superorder: Asteranae
  • Order: Lamiales
  • Family: Lamiaceae
  • Genus: Prostanthera
  • Species: Prostanthera striatiflora

Footnote & References

  1. Prostanthera striatiflora, Jockey’s Cap, Atlas of Living Australia, striatiflora

Alice Springs FloraAlice Springs Flora Index Acacia ligulata Annual Yellowtop Bougainvillea Apple Bush Burdekin Plum Carob Tree (Ceratonia siliqa) Cattle Bush Desert Cotton (Aerva javanica) Desert Oak Eremophila Wildberry Feijoa sellowiana Flannel Cudweed Fork-leaf Corkwood Ghost Gum Golden Everlasting Kurrajong Lemon-flowered Gum MacDonnell’s Desert Fuchsia Native Bluebell Native Tomato Needlewood Olive Tree Perennial Yellow Top Rat’s Tail River Red Gum Inland River Red Gum Rosy Dock Round-leaved Mallee Scurvy Grass Silky Eremophila Stemodia viscosa Striped Mintbush Sturt’s Desert Pea Sturt’s Desert Rose Tangled Leschenaultia Tar Vine Weeping Bottlebrush White Cedar Yellow Billybutton Yellow-keeled Swainsona Yellow Oleander

Alice Springs FaunaAlice Springs Native Bees Alice Springs Beetles Alice Springs Birds Alice Springs Gastropods (Gastropoda) Alice Springs Insects Alice Springs Marsupials Alice Springs Reptiles Alice Springs Spiders