Alice Springs Art & CultureAlice Springs Public Art

Welcome to our Alice Springs Public Art. When we talk about public art, it often refers to artwork that is not confined within a building, but viewable out in the public, on the street, in parks and gardens, plazas and malls, places that are freely accessible by the general public.

Alice Springs Street Art
Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers — Mural

The art can be sculptures, statues, glasswork, metal works, murals, street art, even graffiti.

Perentie by Artist Dan Murphy, 26 March, 2015 (at the Undoolya Rd roundabout)
Perentie by Artist Dan Murphy, 26 March, 2015 (at the Undoolya Rd roundabout)

There are places like the Araluen Cultural Precinct that have public art in the open grounds of the precinct and public art that are accessible once the centre opens.

There are even homes in Alice Springs that have public art viewable from the street or tucked away in their gardens (although you would need the home owners permission to view these particular works).

Vatu Sanctuary mural by Rusiate Lali
Vatu Sanctuary mural by Rusiate Lali

Following listing of some of the street art to be seen in Alice Springs.

There is a ‘art trail’ that can be enjoyed (details from the Alice Springs Visitor Information Centre and the Alice Springs Town Council website). Following is a selected list of some of the street art created through the years.

  • Anzac Hill Cenotaph, 1933 by Reverend Harry Griffiths (designer) Jack Donellan (Builder) — Sculpture
  • Aknganentye Groceries, 1987, artists Gabriella Wallace, Carol Ruff, Shawn Doson, Jenny Green, Theresa Ryder — Mural
  • ‘All them Tourists goin’ to look at Countryside’, by Billy Tjampijinpa Kenda — Mural
  • Arrernte Country, 1988 by Mr W. Rubuntja, Cedar Prest, with Alice Inkamala, Julie Ebatarintja, Sally Rubuntja and Bernice Kennedy — Stained Glass Window
  • Atyunpe, 2015 by Dan Murphy — Sculpture
  • Ayeperenye Moth Light Poles, 2013 by Pip McManus — Sculpture
  • Birds and Flowers of Anglicare, 2021 by Melanie Gunner — Mural
  • Camels, 2008 by J9 Stanton — Sculpture
  • Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri Mural, 1985 by Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri (design), Bob and Kaye Kessing, with assistance from students at Yirara College and friends — Mural
  • Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers
  • Dingoes Under a Full Moon, 2018 by Christine Ng — Mural
  • Gathering Garden, 2009 by Julie Squires & Indigenous artists from nine communities — Sculpture
  • Ghost Gum Shadow Mosaic, 2016 by Alison Hittmann — Sculpture
  • House of Tallulah Mural, 2021 by Kaff-eine — Mural
  • Kmart Mural, 1984 Sandstone by John Newland (stonemason of original mural) – unfortunately although the reconstructed wall mural can be seen, the original work can now only be viewed from photographs — Mural
  • Life Cycle of the Yeperenye Caterpillar, 2018 by Jimmy Dvate, Tilks, with Mark Circus — Mural
  • Mulga Parrot, 23024 by Karine ‘s Art -KAWA, assisted by TommyW — Mural
  • Nevile Shute Giant Books, 2007 by The Nevil Shute Norway Foundation (design), Chris Scott (installation) — Sculpture
  • Painted Finch, 2018 by Chris Scott — Mural
  • Queen Bee, 2018 by Karine Tremblay — Mural
  • Rusiate Lali Art and Murals, 2006-2015 — Mural
  • Samson and Delilah & Sweet Country, 2018 by CTO, Linz — Mural
  • Second Hand Hand, 1992 by Mark Egan — Sculpture
  • The Gap, 2014 by Peter Taylor, Gloria Pannka, Mervyn Rubuntja, Lenie Namatijra, Kevin Namatjira, Gwenda Namatjira and Reinhold Inkamala — Mural
  • The Ghan Memorial, 1980 by Gabriel Sterk — Statue
  • The Recyculator, 2015 by J9 Stanton — Sculpture
  • The Split, 1984 by Trevor Weekes — Sculpture
  • The Yeperenye Sculpture, 2016 by Dan Murphy, students from the Centre for Appropriate Technology’s ATWork program — Sculpture
  • This is Aboriginal Art Roller Shutters, 2020 by Melanie Gunner — Mural
  • Unstoppable Nature, 2012 by 4U2C, Massika — Mural
  • Yarn Bomb Eucalypt, 2012, artist unknown — Ephemeral Art
  • Yellow Rabbit, 2017 by Peter McLisky — Sculpture

Other public art works include:

  • Yeperenye Moth Shade Structures, 2018 by Pip McManus
    A stroll through the Todd Mall during the day, you will see the shadow cast down on the ground created from the cut-out motifs of the decorated and coloured shade canopies that depict the distinctive moth wing patterns. To the Arrernte people of Mparntwe/Alice Springs, it forms part of the ‘caterpillar/hawk-moth creation story’.

    As you look upwards at the apex of the shade struc­ture you may see the Arrernte names of the three ances­tral cater­pil­lars – Ayeperenye, Ntyarlke and Utnerren­gatye (illu­mi­nat­ed by the sun on the rust­ed steel sup­port beams).

    Commissioned by the Alice Springs Town Council, take a walk through the Todd Mall (on Parson Street intersection) to see for yourself. More information can be found on the Alice Springs Town Council Public Art Map Yeperenye Moth Shade Structures.

This list is a work in progress, with more information coming…

Footnote & References

  1. Alice Springs Public Art Map, Alice Springs Town Council,
  2. Red Hot Arts, Central Australia,

Alice Springs Public ArtAlice Springs Ephemeral Art Aknganentye Groceries ‘All them Tourists goin’ to look at Countryside’ Atyunpe – Perentie Birds and Flowers of Anglicare Coles Mural Dingoes Under a Full Moon Kmart Mural Life Cycle of the Yeperenye Caterpillar Mulga Parrot Painted Finch Queen Bee Rusiate Lali Art and Murals The Recyculator Yarn Bomb Eucalypt Yellow Rabbit

Alice Springs Art & CultureAlice Springs Public Art

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