Alice Springs Public Art

Coles Mural by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers

The well known and popular Coles Mural was created in 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers. The large mural represents a history with positive vision of two cultures creating a future together.

Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers — Mural, Alice Springs Street Art
Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers, Alice Springs NT

Located on Railway Terrace, the large mural is almost seven metres high and cover an area of over 400 square metres and is painted on the external back wall of the Coles Supermarket.

Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers — Mural, Alice Springs Street Art
Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers, Alice Springs NT

The south­ern­-most sec­tion of the mural is his­tor­i­cal in theme, whilst the north­ern sec­tion of mural has a con­tem­po­rary theme, fea­turing local char­ac­ters of the day, as well as a large rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Flag.

Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers — Mural, Alice Springs Street Art
Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers, Alice Springs NT

There were approx­i­mate­ly 200 volunteers who helped to paint the walls. G J Coles & Co Ltd sup­port­ed the project and a number of local com­pa­nies also pro­vid­ed assis­tance.

Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers — Mural, Alice Springs Street Art
Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers, Alice Springs NT

The mur­al was com­plet­ed over a ten week peri­od from Sep­tem­ber to Novem­ber 1981 and was offi­cial­ly opened by Chief Min­is­ter Paul Ever­ing­ham on 27 Novem­ber 1981. This striking mur­al is unique landmark in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry, not only for its scale, qual­i­ty and longevi­ty, but also for the extent of com­mu­ni­ty involve­ment in its cre­ation.

Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers — Mural, Alice Springs Street Art
Coles Mural, 1981 by Bob and Kay Kessing (supervisors), with 200 volunteers, Alice Springs NT

Footnote & References

  1. Coles Mural, Public Art Map, Alice Springs Town Council,

Alice Springs Public ArtAlice Springs Ephemeral Art Aknganentye Groceries ‘All them Tourists goin’ to look at Countryside’ Atyunpe – Perentie Birds and Flowers of Anglicare Coles Mural Dingoes Under a Full Moon Kmart Mural Life Cycle of the Yeperenye Caterpillar Mulga Parrot Painted Finch Queen Bee Rusiate Lali Art and Murals The Recyculator Yarn Bomb Eucalypt Yellow Rabbit

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