Alice Springs Fauna •
Alice Springs Moths | Alice Springs Moths Index
Belonging to the order Lepidoptera (class Insecta), Alice Springs is home to a great variety of moths, with Australia being home to more then 10,000 species of moths (and with many yet to be identified). Moths form a group of some 125 families worldwide, with 82 families of moths represented in Australia.
Whilst many species may seem to have duller colours to the butterflies, they are interesting in their own right. Alice Springs and Central Australia have some known genus/species including the Processionary Caterpillars (also known as the Bag-shelter Moth, Ochrogaster lunifer) and the Yeperenye / Australian Striped Hawk Moth (Hyles livornicoides).
As well as the winged adult species, keep an eye out for the various instar stages including caterpillar and pupa/chrysalis. Check out some of the moths we have documented here in Alice Springs.
See our text list of the following listed moths/caterpillars at the bottom of the page.
Alice Springs Moths Index
Click on the following images to see information on the listed moths.
Many online resources often group moths and butterflies together, however moths outnumber butterflies in both numbers and species. In Australia alone, there are over 10,500 species of moths, compared with about 400 species of butterflies. Whilst there are very few species of butterflies yet to be discovered, in Australia there is estimated to be at least another 10,000 moth species yet to be discovered, studied and named.
The following Day Flying Moth (Comocrus behri) seen here feeding on Red-capped Gum (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) in Alice Springs, is often mistaken for a butterfly.
- Aedia arctipennis
- Aedia leucomelas (Sweet Potato Leaf Worm)
- Agrotis munda (Brown Cutworm Moth)
- Arhodia lasiocamparia
- Australian Striped Hawk Moth (Hyles livornicoides)
- Bag-shelter Moth & Processionary Caterpillar
- Carpenter Moth (Endoxyla cinereus)
- Chasmina pulchra (White Beauty)
- Cleora (Geometer Moth)
- Coenotes eremophilae (instar Sandal-box Hawk Moth)
- Comocrus behri (caterpillar of the Mistletoe Moth)
- Comocrus behri (Mistletoe Moth/Day Flying Moth)
- Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli)
- Cossid Moth (Endoxyla leucomochla)
- Dasypodia selenophora (Southern Old Lady Moth)
- Destolinia lineata (Caterpillar of the Streaked Notodontid)
- Diatenes gerula (Erebid Moth)
- Dichromodes sp (Geometer Moth)
- Donuca spectabilis (White-spotted Owl-Moth)
- Doratifera quadriguttata (Four-spotted Cup Moth)
- Endoxyla Moth (family Cossidae)
- Endoxyla cinereus (Carpenter Moth)
- Gelechioid Moth
- Godart’s Hawkmoth (Agrius godarti)
- Helicoverpa punctigera (Australian Fruitworm)
- Heliotrope Moth (Utetheisa pulchelloides)
- Hyalarcta nigrescens (Ribbed Case Moth)
- Laced Day-Moth (Ipanica cornigera)
- Leptocneria binotata
- Mocis alterna (Bean Looper Moth)
- Niguza spiramioides
- Noctuinae (Cutworms and Dart Moths)
- Owlet Moth (Eudesmeola lawsoni)
- Owlet Moth (Ophiusa parcemacula)
- Plume Moth (Pterophoridae)
- Psalidostetha banksiae (Banksia Moth caterpillar)
- Psychidae, family (Leaf Case Moth)
- Sameodes cancellalis (Banded Pearl)
- Yeperenye / Yipirinya
Check out our main section on Fauna | Insects | Moths | Moths Index
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Lepidoptera
Footnote & References
- Moth, (last visited Feb. 8, 2022)
- Butterfly, (last visited Feb. 13, 2022)
- Families of Moths in Australia, by Don Herbison-Evans and Stella Crossley, Coffs Harbour Butterfly House,
- Australian Moths Online, CSIRO,
- Moths, butterflies and skippers: Order Lepidoptera, Australian Museum,
- What are the differences between butterflies and moths? Australian Museum,
- Butterflies Australia,
- Butterflies of Australia, Australian Caterpillars and their Butterflies and Moths, Coffs Harbour Butterfly House,
- BOIC, Butterfly & Other Invertebrates Club,
- Butterflies and Moths, iNaturalistAU,
- Australian Butterfly Sanctuary,
- 8 Differences Between Butterflies and Moths, Australian Butterfly Sanctuary,
Alice Springs MothsAedia leucomelas (Sweet Potato Leaf Worm) Arhodia lasiocamparia Agrotis munda (Brown Cutworm Moth) Australian Striped Hawk Moth (Hyles livornicoides) Bag-shelter Moth & Processionary Caterpillar Carpenter Moth (Endoxyla cinereus) Chasmina pulchra (White Beauty) Cleora (Geometer Moth) Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli) Giant Wood Moth (Endoxyla cinereus) Dasypodia selenophora (Southern Old Lady Moth) Destolinia lineata (Caterpillar of the Streaked Notodontid) Diatenes gerula (Erebid Moth) Dichromodes sp (Geometer Moth) Endoxyla Moth (family Cossidae) Gelechioid Moth Godart’s Hawkmoth (Agrius godarti) Helicoverpa punctigera (Australian Fruitworm) Laced Day-Moth (Ipanica cornigera) Leptocneria binotata Mocis alterna (Bean Looper Moth) Niguza spiramioides Owlet Moth (Eudesmeola lawsoni) Owlet Moth (Ophiusa parcemacula) Plume Moth (Pterophoridae) Sameodes cancellalis (Banded Pearl) Yeperenye / Yipirinya
Alice Springs Butterflies & Moths (Lepidopterans)Butterflies Moths
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