ColeopteraColeoptera Index Amarygmus sp Anoplognathus sp Aphanestes gymnopleura Aporocera speciosa Atractocerus crassicornis Blackburnium cavicolle Buprestidae Carphurus Cerambycidae Chalcopteroides (Chalcopterus Beetle) Christmas Beetles Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles) Coleoptera (Beetles) Curculionidae Dung Beetle Eretes australis Helea scaphiformis Hydrophilus Ladybirds (Beetles) Lepidiota Lucanidae Lycidae Mordellidae (Pintail Beetles) Neospades sp Omorgus Paropsine Beetle Paropsisterna sp Phorticosomus sp Protaetia fusca Pterohelaeus sp Rhinotia haemoptera Rhipiceridae Scarabaeidae Tenebrionidae Xylophilostenus octophyllus
— also see Adelaide Hills Beetles | Alice Springs Beetles | Belair National Park Beetles | Cadmus luctuosus | Central Australia Beetles | Gold Coast Beetles | Jewel Beetles | Southern Downs Beetles
There are thought to be at least over 360,000 species of the order Coleoptera, world wide, with many more being continually discovered. Representing almost 40% of known insects species and 25% of all known animal life-forms, they are the largest of all orders.
Known commonly as beetles and weevils, among them are some of the largest and most conspicuous of insects, with some having beautiful top patterns, some being brilliant metallic in colour, and others very showy in form.

Beetles can usually be recognized by their two pairs of wings; the front pair is modified into horny covers (elytra) that hide the rear pair and most of the abdomen and usually meet down the back in a straight line.

Coleoptera occur in nearly all climates. They may be divided into four groups: the first three, the Archostemata, the Adephaga, and the Myxophaga, contain relatively few families; the majority of beetles are placed in the fourth group, the Polyphaga.

- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Hexapoda
- Class: Insecta
- Informal: Pterygotes
- Order: Coleoptera
- Suborders:
- Adephaga
- Archostemata
- Myxophaga
- Polyphaga
- Family:
- Apionidae
- Brachyceridae
- Cetoniidae
Footnote & References
- Beetles: Order Coleoptera, Auystralian Museum,
- Beetle, (last visited Apr. 24, 2022)
- Coleoptera: beetles and weevils, Insects and their Allies, CSIRO,
ColeopteraColeoptera Index Amarygmus sp Anoplognathus sp Anoplognathus macleayi (Christmas Beetle) Anoplognathus porosus Washerwoman (Anoplognathus porosus) Aphanestes gymnopleura Aporocera speciosa Atractocerus crassicornis Blackburnium cavicolle Buprestidae More Buprestidae Buprestidae Index Jewel Beetles Astraeus Bubastes pilbarensis Calodema plebeia Calotemognatha Castiarina Cyrioides Diadoxus Hypocisseis suturalis Diphucrania Julodimorpha saundersii Melobasis Merimna atrata Metaxymorpha grayii Metaxymorpha gloriosa Stigmodera Temognatha Torresita cuprifera Carphurus Carphurus Index Carphurus cyaneipennis Carphurus fasciculatus Carphurus frenchi Carphurus longicollis Carphurus pravus Cerambycidae Longhorn Beetles Index Chlorophorus curtisi Didymocantha obliqua Pachydissus sp Rhytiphora Chalcopteroides (Chalcopterus Beetle) Christmas Beetles Christmas Beetle (Anoplognathus brunnipennis) Christmas Beetles (Anoplognathus) Christmas Beetle (Anoplognathus macleayi) Christmas Beetles (Diphucephala) Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles) Chrysomelidae Index Johannica gemellata (Pandorea Leaf Beetle) Pittosporum Leaf Beetle (Lamprolina impressicollis) Platymela hasenpuschi Spilopyra sumptuosa (Rainbow Leaf Beetle) Coleoptera (Beetles) Curculionidae Chrysolopus spectabilis (Botany Bay Diamond Weevil) Lixus Perperus lateralis (White-striped Weevil) Dung Beetle Eretes australis Helea scaphiformis Hydrophilus Ladybirds (Beetles) Australoneda bourgeoisi Coccinella transversalis Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Harmonia conformis Olla v-nigrum Orcus australasiae Lepidiota Lucanidae Lucanidae Index Lamprima aurata Lissapterus obesus Prosopocoilus torresensis Lycidae Mordellidae (Pintail Beetles) Hoshihananomia leucosticte Mordella australis Neospades sp Omorgus Paropsine Beetle Paropsis maculata Paropsis porosa Paropsis sospita Paropsisterna sp Paropsisterna Index Paropsisterna beata Paropsisterna fastidiosa Paropsisterna m-fuscum Paropsisterna pictipes Paropsisterna sexpustulata Phorticosomus sp Protaetia fusca Pterohelaeus sp Rhinotia haemoptera Rhipiceridae Feather-horned Beetle (Rhipicera carinata) Feather-horned Beetle (Rhipicera femorata) Scarabaeidae Scarabaeidae Index Bisallardiana Scarabaeinae (Dung Beetles) Schizognathus compressicornis Tenebrionidae Xylophilostenus octophyllus
InsectsBees Beetles Blattodea Butterflies Coleoptera Cicada Crabronidae Diptera Dragonflies & Damselflies Formicidae Hemiptera Heteroptera Moths Orthoptera Orthopteroid Processionary Caterpillar Stink Bugs, Shield Bugs and Allies Wasps Water Scorpion (Laccotrephes tristis) Witchetty Grub