Gold Coast BeetlesAcacia Leaf Beetle (Dicranosterna picea) Brown Flower Beetle (Glycyphana stolata) Castiarina bella Castiarina luteipennis Chauliognathus flavipennis Darkling Beetle (Ecnolagria aurofasciata) Green Strip Leaf Beetle (Calomela pallida) Lycid Beetle (Porrostoma laterale) Mesolita lineolata Pandorea Leaf Beetle (Johannica gemellata) White Acacia Leaf Beetle (Dicranosterna circe)
The Gold Coast has a rich diversity of insects including a group commonly known as Beetles. The group includes the commonly name Ladybird species, and the family Buprestidae, that are beautiful and often iridescent colourful group of beetles known collectively as “Jewel Beetles” or “Metallic Wood-boring Beetles”.

The order Coleoptera has at least over 360,000 species world wide, with many more being continually been discovered and identified. Representing almost 40% of known insects species and 25% of all known animal life-forms, Coleoptera are the largest of all orders. The order is known commonly as beetles and weevils, among which some are the most conspicuous of insects, some having beautiful top patterns, others being beautiful metallic in colour, and others being very showy in form.
Gold Coast Beetles

For more information on this group of insects, check out our main fauna section:
Insects | Coleoptera | Anoplognathus sp | Cerambycidae | Curculionidae | Ladybirds Beetles (Coccinellidae) | Lucanidae | Prosopocoilus torresensis | Paropsine Beetle | Paropsisterna sp |Rhytiphora
Buprestidae | Castiarina | Jewel Beetles
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Hexapoda
- Class: Insecta
- Informal: Pterygotes
- Order: Coleoptera
- Suborders:
- Adephaga
- Archostemata
- Myxophaga
- Polyphaga
- Family:
- Apionidae
- Brachyceridae
- Cetoniidae
Footnote & References
- Photographs © Hongming Kan
- Beetles: Order Coleoptera, Auystralian Museum,
- Coleoptera, Atlas of Living Australia,
- Beetles (Order Coleoptera), iNaturalistAU,
- Coleoptera: beetles and weevils, Insects and their Allies, CSIRO,
- Beetle, (last visited Apr. 24, 2022)
Gold Coast BeetlesAcacia Leaf Beetle (Dicranosterna picea) Brown Flower Beetle (Glycyphana stolata) Castiarina bella Castiarina luteipennis Chauliognathus flavipennis Darkling Beetle (Ecnolagria aurofasciata) Green Strip Leaf Beetle (Calomela pallida) Lycid Beetle (Porrostoma laterale) Mesolita lineolata Pandorea Leaf Beetle (Johannica gemellata) White Acacia Leaf Beetle (Dicranosterna circe)
Gold Coast InsectsAntlions, Lacewings, and Allies (Neuroptera) Ants Bees Beetles Bugs (Hemiptera & Heteroptera) Buterflies & Moths Flies (Diptera) Wasps
QueenslandQueensland Fauna Gold Coast Region Lamington National Park Southern Downs QLD