Guest Author â—¦
Terry is an Orchid hunter in the true sense of the word, trekking and documenting all year…

A self taught citizen botanist and naturalist with a passion for WA orchid species documenting their locations throughout the year and researching this much loved genera while protecting area locations of the more vulnerable species. Terrys aim is to promote and educate awareness of the fragile habitats, geographic and environmental, while observing the beauty of our Orchids, Wildflowers and fauna with as little disturbance as possible.

Passionate about our terrestrial Orchids and native flora for over 50 years, Terry loves to trek and document his finds. He likes to share and educate on Social media and often shows other enthusiasts specific species and habitats on request.

Terry grew up on a farm in WA’s Great Southern region where, from a young age he has been learning about the local wildflower species. He remembers heading out with his father and grandfather to look for orchids as early as 8 years old.

Terry is a walking encyclopaedia of wildflower knowledge, specialising in native orchids. He has helped guide scientists and researchers, as well as local and international botanists and documentary makers find rare and threatened species. He is currently studying the regeneration of the Stirling Ranges after the early 2020 fires.

“We were delighted to be able to spend time learning and exploring these beautiful endemic species with Terry.”

Following selection of pages as contributor/author in Ausemade by Terry Dunham (more pages to come):
- Orchidaceae | Orchidaceae Index
- Caladenia barbarossa (Dragon Orchid)
- Caladenia bryceana susp. bryceana (Dwarf Spider Orchid)
- Caladenia integra (Smooth-lipped Spider Orchid)
- Caladenia lobata (Butterfly Spider Orchid)
- Caladenia melanema (Ballerina Orchid)
- Caladenia polychroma (Joseph’s Spider Orchid)
- Caladenia pulchra (Slender Spider Orchid)
- Caladenia serotina (Christmas Spider Orchid)
- Cryptostylis ovata (Slipper Orchid)
- Drakaea glyptodon (King-in-his-carriage Orchid)
- Drakaea livida (Warty Hammer Orchid)
- Elythranthera emarginata (Pink Enamel Orchid)
- Epiblema grandiflorum (Babe-in-a-cradle Orchid)
- Ericksonella saccharata (Sugar Orchid)
- Leptoceras menziesii (Rabbit Orchid)
- Microtis cupularis (Cupped Mignonette Orchid)
- Paracaleana nigrita (Flying Duck Orchid)
- Pterostylis ciliata (Hairy Rufous Greenhood)
- Pterostylis mutica (Midget Greenhood)
- Pyrorchis nigricans (Red beak Orchid)
- Rhizanthella johnstonii (Southern Underground Orchid)
- Spiculaea ciliata (Elbow Orchid)
- Thelymitra sp. Ongerup (Orange Sun Orchids)
- Thelymitra speciosa (Eastern Queen of Sheba’s)
We will also be presenting some of Terry’s other great flora photographs… check back here as we add the pages…
- Adenanthos cuneatus (Coastal Jug Flower)
- Adenanthos obovatus (Basket Flower)
- Apium prostratum subsp. prostratum var filiforme (Sea Celery)
- Banksia | Banksia Index

- Calothamnus quadrifidus (One-sided Bottlebrush)
- Cephalotus follicularis (Western Australian Pitcher Plant)
- Darwinia wittwerorum (Wittwer’s Mountain Bell)
- Exocarpos sparteus (Broom Ballart)

- Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus Index
- Grevillea | Grevillea Index

- Hakea | Hakea Index

- Hibbertia selkii
- Lambertia echinata (Prickly Honeysuckle)
- Lechenaultia formosa (Red Leschenaultia)
- Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
- Nuytsia floribunda (Western Australia Christmas Tree)
- Santalum murrayanum (Bitter Quandong)
- Wurmbea tenella (Eight Nancy)

The cute Quokka by Terry Dunham…


You can also do a search using “terry dunham” for a comprehensive list).
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