Gold Coast Flies (Diptera)Blow Fly (Calliphora ochracea) Drone Fly (Eristalinus sp) Odontomyia hunteri Robber Fly (Asilidae) Vinegar Fly (Drosophila melanogaster)

Calliphora ochracea occur in coastal areas of eastern Australia, although they do appear in greatest abundance in high-elevation forested country. Observations on Atlas of Living Australia have observations from Geelong-Melbourne to the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and Tasmania. They also occur in high-elevation forested country.

Calliphora ochracea is the sister species of Calliphora nigrithorax, distinguished mainly by its light mesonotum (Calliphora nigrithorax has a darker mesonotum, with a blackish appearance). The mesonotum is the dorsum of the mesothorax, and in flies is well developed and forming most of thorax.

Calliphora ochracea Fly, Gold Coast QLD © Stefan Jones
Calliphora ochracea Fly, Gold Coast QLD © Stefan Jones
Calliphora ochracea Fly, Gold Coast QLD © Stefan Jones
Calliphora ochracea Fly, Gold Coast QLD © Stefan Jones

  • Scientific classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Subphylum: Hexapoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Informal: Pterygotes
  • Order: Diptera
  • Unranked: Cyclorrhapha
  • Informal: Schizophora
  • Informal: Calyptratae
  • Superfamily: Oestroidea
  • Family: Calliphoridae
  • Subfamily: Calliphorinae
  • Genus: Calliphora
  • Subgenus: infrageneric Neocalliphora
  • Species: Calliphora ochracea

Footnote & References

  1. Photographs © Stefan Jones
  2. Calliphora (Neocalliphora) ochracea Schiner, 1868, Blow Fly, Atlas of Living Australia,
  3. Calliphora ochracea, Kavazos C. R. J., Meiklejohn K. A., Archer M. S. and Wallman J. F. (2016). Carrion Flies of Australia. Centre for Sustainable Ecosystem Solutions, University of Wollongong,

Gold Coast Flies (Diptera)Blow Fly (Calliphora ochracea) Drone Fly (Eristalinus sp) Odontomyia hunteri Robber Fly (Asilidae) Vinegar Fly (Drosophila melanogaster)

Gold Coast InsectsAntlions, Lacewings, and Allies (Neuroptera) Ants Bees Beetles Bugs (Hemiptera & Heteroptera) Buterflies & Moths Flies (Diptera) Wasps

Gold Coast RegionFauna

QueenslandGold Coast Region Lamington National Park Southern Downs QLD