Ellery Creek Big Hole Dingo (Canis dingo)
Ellery Creek Big Hole FaunaA Dingo at the Waterhole A Dragon at the Creek Caper White Butterfly Megachile macularis
As a permanent waterhole in the West MacDonnell Ranges, many visitors to the Ellery Creek Big Hole are likely to see a variety of our local fauna. If you are lucky, you may catch a glimpse of the Dingo (Canis dingo).

Whilst they can be elusive, dingoes can often be seen throughout Central Australia and in certain locations they may become use to the presence of humans. They are however wild animals and should not be fed.
On another occasion in summer, their were a couple of young dingoes enjoying the Ellery Creek Big Hole waterhole.
More information can be found under our Fauna > Dingoes
Footnote & References
- Photographs Dingo at Ellery Creek Big Hole, Central Australia © Greg Sully
Ellery Creek Big Hole FaunaA Dingo at the Waterhole A Dragon at the Creek Caper White Butterfly Megachile macularis
Ellery Creek Big HoleEllery Creek Ellery Creek Big Hole Fauna Ellery Creek Big Hole Flora
West MacDonnell RangesBirthday Waterhole Ellery Creek Big Hole Finke Two Mile Glen Helen Gorge Jay Creek John Flynn’s Grave Historical Reserve Laura Creek Larapinta Drive Mount Sonder / Rwetyepme Namatjira Drive The Neil Hargrave Lookout Ochre Pits Ormiston Gorge & Pound Point Howard Lookout Redbank Gorge Simpsons Gap
MacDonnell RangesEast MacDonnell Ranges West MacDonnell Ranges Tjoritja West MacDonnell National Park