Author Koh Lin â—¦ Following on from our blog There’s more than size, when opposite attracts, another look at the escapades of the males and the female… when it is time to play for the Australian Goldern Orb Weaver Spiders…
Author Koh Lin â—¦ Who hasn’t heard about Alice Springs… it is a wild place… and home to more then just art and culture… it is home to many creatures big and small… Ok… we may not have the biggest…
Author Koh Lin â—¦ One of my favourite songs growing up is What a Wonderful World, as sung by Louis Armstrong… the words resonating in my working day and through my life… I see trees of green, red roses too……
Author Koh Lin â—¦ Sometimes a photograph can be definitive… especially when Google say this is Nyssus coloripes (Spotted Ground Swift Spider)… but the photo only shows white spots… And then you see the same but different spider (on the…
Photograher Michael Doe â—¦ Creatures so strange…that maybe they only exist in fantasy and science fiction… Yet stare long enough…you are ensnared by their hypnotic beauty… Believe in the reality… Photographs © Michael Doe Now that’s a Wrap… | The…
Photograher Michael Doe â—¦ Once upon a time…In a place not so far away…There was the beauty and the… There is a saying that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder…“ Photographs © Michael Doe Now that’s a Wrap……
Photograher Michael Doe â—¦ It is amazing what you observe… When it is in black and white… Dolphones species Wrap-around Spiders Photographs © Michael Doe Now that’s a Wrap… | The beauty and the… | Creatures so strange…
Author Gary Taylor â—¦ Insignis and in health… 😄 Do you, Workshop Owner, take this spider to be your lawfully webbed companion..? 😅 I do… and at the fear of sounding like an arachnid polygamist (or at least like I’ve…
Author Koh Lin â—¦ I was engulfed by a wave of sadness when I came into work (after the weekend break). It had been a reasonable pleasant weekend for me, and although I knew the end was near, I was…
Author Koh Lin â—¦ I would love to tell you a tale… not any tail… in fact I am not sure what lizard tail this is, but I am thinking that the lizard got away by the skin of it’s…