Author Gary Taylor ◦ Still some more from our last cloudy, rainy day out… The one in the first 4 pics I reckon is a male Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes). Male ‘cos even without counting the antennae segments (including the scape and…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ From last week’s bush run… Not sure on this one, but the size and shape of the stigma and curve of the basal vein has me thinking Halictid, so I reckon it’s highly likely there’s a…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ These gorgeous little unknown (by me, that is😄) Leioproctus are late this year, they’re usually one of the first native bees to emerge in the second week of July. But then, their favourite flowers, the Hakea…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ Still on my mystery Hylaeine… One suggestion was it looked like Hylaeus (Hylaeteron) douglasi. So for comparison, on the left, 1st pic is the female douglasi, the one below (2nd pic) is the male. The 3rd…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ More of the Banksia bees… Some of the smaller but I reckon still absolutely gorgeous little ones… Again all Hylaeinae, most likely Hylaeus and possibly all Prosopisteron species but apart from the 3rd and 4th pics,…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ Banksia bees, part 1 (there’s just too much going on for one post)… Ok, so last week I mentioned just starting to see the usual “Autumn” bees, albeit a month and a half later than usual,…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ Like little jewels coming out of the ground… From the very brief vid you’d reckon I was in some kind of tiny native stingless bee swarm, and you’d be half right… they are native bees and…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ Velvet ants, one of my all time favourite little critters. In the family Mutillidae they are related to the Thynnid wasps and are a wingless wasp (females only) but oh so much more capable. The females…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ This little cutie is Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) “mysterium puella”, one of my first “unknown” species and the girl that not only drew me into the world of the smaller and lesser known native bees, but also taught…
Author Gary Taylor ◦ So it turns out my new Bembix is likely an entirely new undiscovered species… Cool, but they were crap photos focus wise (my camera isn’t great with moving targets), so I went back out today to…