Author Tissa Ratnayeke â—¦ Five fantastic spiders from around Darwin…🙂 Spiders are one of the most abundant fauna groups in our environment. They occupy just about every climate and habitat niche, including our homes, yet most people know very little…
Author Marianne Broug â—¦ Just some of my observations of Shield / Stink Bugs (Acanthosomatidae and Pentatomidae) into a collage … having the comparison really highlights their beauty and diversity. 1.Scientific classificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ArthropodaSubphylum: HexapodaClass: InsectaInformal: PterygotesOrder: HemipteraSuborder: HeteropteraInfraorder: PentatomomorphaSuperfamily:…
Author Marianne Broug â—¦ It started with a pleasant Sunday stroll in the Hills … I was about to sit down on a bench but saw a delightful little blue-winged wasp. I decided to photograph it before sitting down. I…
Author Deb Taylor â—¦ This wasp was first sighted moving across gravel and mulch on the ground (as shown in last 3 photos) but after flying away alighted in a nearby Cotoneaster where it stayed for quite some time. kerrileeharris…
Author Marianne Broug â—¦ Over the years, as I’ve been out wandering in the bush with my camera, a deepening has taken place. As I walk, it’s as though I’m walking myself ever deeper into the natural world, and as…
Author Gary Taylor â—¦ Seeing quite a few of these big guys (and girls) on the mallee flowers at the moment, very friendly… 4th pic, “Who, me?…”, Yes you! In fact, a little too friendly in my opinion… 5th pic,…
Author Koh Lin â—¦ Following on from our blog There’s more than size, when opposite attracts, another look at the escapades of the males and the female… when it is time to play for the Australian Goldern Orb Weaver Spiders…
Author Gary Taylor â—¦ Yet another windy week, makes for lots of photo deleting as it is without accidentally and unknowingly changing the mode setting on your camera to 20 frames per shot (I’d reckon it was while being dragged…
Author Phil Warburton â—¦ I found this interesting wasp at the Ulladulla Wildflower Reserve on the NSW south Coast. I believe it is a Calopompilus sp. and I think it is an undescribed species. We can quickly eliminate 10 of…
Author Koh Lin â—¦ Strolling through the parks and gardens, links us with the natural world around us. The enjoyment of a national park and a botanic garden provides us with the connection to mother nature. A closer look at…