Author Koh Lin â—¦
I would love to tell you a tale… not any tail… in fact I am not sure what lizard tail this is, but I am thinking that the lizard got away by the skin of it’s tail… which they left in the web for the fearsome Golden Orb-weaver Spider…
In the following series of images, you can see the remains of the lizard tail (most likely a gecko of some kind). The lizard probably got away by dropping its tail (some are known for that). The next image shows the sizeable Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis) that was close by. The Golden Orb Weaver then moves the tasty bit of tail up to into the food pantry line that hangs above her. In the final image the tail is gone (mostly likely consumed by the Golden Orb Weaver Spider).
So now… let us prey… said the spider to the fly…

or should that be… no friends among kindred spiders…

jiminy cricket… is no-one safe…

even the unknown passer-by should watch out for the ambush…

that was no flower that you had your face in…

is nowhere safe…

the gossamer web for the unwary…

and size does not matter…

when you are trapped and left dangling…

and certainly no crossing this spider said Andrew…

We hope you enjoyed this light-hearted blog… and maybe a lesson to be learnt… 😀
If you want to see more about these spiders, check out our Fauna section:
Check out more blogs and contribution by Koh Lin.