Alice Springs Desert Park

ASDP Birds > Birds Index

The Bourke’s Parrot (Neopsephotus bourkii) is the only species in its genus, Neopsephotus. It was re-classified from Neophema bourkii.

Endemic to Australia, it is thought to be a nomadic bird in the wild. The Bourke’s Parrot habitat is across arid and semi-arid areas of the inland Australia. They are found in mulga and other acacia scrubs, as well as in native cypress and open eucalypt woodlands.

A small parrot, it has a grey-brown above, pinkish below appearance and has white around the eyes. The male has a blue colour on the forehead, and is blue also on the bend of the wing, and a lighter shade of blue on the flanks, side of rump and under the tail. The female bird is similar in colour, but duller.

Images © Ausemade Pty Ltd

Check out Fauna section – Birds for more information about the Bourke’s Parrot

  • Scientific classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Psittaciformes
  • Family: Psittaculidae
  • Genus: Neopsephotus
  • Species: Neopsephotus bourkii
  • Synonyms: Neophema bourkii

ASDP BirdsASDP Birds Index Australian Boobook Owl Australian Bustard Australian Hobby Banded Lapwing Barn Owl Black Kite Black-breasted Buzzard Black-faced Woodswallow Black-fronted Dotterel Bourke’s Parrot Brown Falcon Emu Galah Inland Dotterel Orange Chat Pied Honeyeater Princess Parrot Rainbow Bee-eater Red-capped Robin Spinifex Pigeon Splendid Fairy-wren Tawny Frogmouth Wedge-tailed Eagle Western Bowerbird Whistling Kite White-faced Heron White-winged Fairywren

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