Alice Springs Desert Park
ASDP Flora > Flora Index
Set against the magnificent backdrop of the West MacDonnell Ranges and Mount Gillen, the Alice Springs Desert Park is packed full of examples of arid desert plant life, many of which form part of the Indigenous cornucopia of bush medicine and bush tucker.
Here you can check out some of our flora images from our many visits and interaction at the amazing Alice Springs Desert Park – check out our ASDP Flora Index.
- Batswing Coral Tree (Erythrina vespertilio)
- Blue Mallee (Eucalyptus gamophylla)
- Bush Banana (Marsdenia australis)
- Buttercup Pigweed (Portulaca intraterranea)
- Dead Finish (Acacia tetragonophylla)
- Desert Grevillea (Grevillea juncifolia)
- Desert Oaks (Allocasuarina decaisneana)
- Desert Raisin (Solanum centrale)
- Field Lily (Crinum angustifolium)
- Georges Indigo (Indigofera georgei)
- Honey Grevillea (Grevillea eriostachya)
- Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra)
- Lamarchea sulcata
- Native Apricot (Pittosporum angustifolium)
- Native Cotton Bush (Gossypium australe)
- Native Tobacco (Nicotiana megalosiphon subsp sessilifolia)
- Native Tomato (Solanum ellipticum)
- Parrot Pea (Crotalaria cunninghamii)
- Pink Everlasting (Schoenia cassiniana)
- Poached Egg Daisy (Polycalymma stuartii)
- Potato Vine (Ipomoea costata)
- Quandong (Santalum acuminatum)
- Red-bud Mallee (Eucalyptus pachyphylla)
- Red Mulga (Acacia cyperophylla)
- Resurrection Fern (Cheilanthes lasiophylla)
- Sandover Lily (Crinum flaccidum)
- Sturt’s Desert Pea, (Swainsona formosa)
- Waddy-wood (Acacia peuce)
- Walukara (Hakea rhombales)
- Weeping Spinifex (Triodia brizoides)
- White Spider Flower (Grevillea albiflora)
- Wild Passionfruit (Capparis spinosa var. nummularia)
ASDP FloraASDP Flora Index Batswing Coral Tree Blue Mallee Bush Banana Buttercup Pigweed Dead Finish Desert Grevillea Desert Oak Desert Raisin Field Lily Georges Indigo Golden Everlasting Honey Grevillea Kangaroo Grass Lamarchea sulcata Myoporum acuminatum (Boobialla) Native Apricot Native Bluebell Native Cotton Bush Native Tomato Nicotiana megalosiphon subsp sessilifolia Olearia ferresii Parrot Pea Pink Everlasting Poached Egg Daisy Potato Vine Quandong Rattlepod Grevillea Red-bud Mallee Red Mulga Resurrection Fern Rough Halgania Sandover Lily Silkyheads Small Yellow Button (Chrysocephalum apiculatum) Spearwood Bush Sturt’s Desert Pea Waddy-wood Walukara Weeping Spinifex White Spider Flower Wild Passionfruit Witchetty Bush Wildflower Display
Alice Springs Desert ParkFauna Flora Nature Theatre Nocturnal House