Radumeris radula (Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp)Nectar Feeding Wasp and Common Black Ant

In the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula), whilst feeding on the nectar of the flowering lemon shrub, was being paid attention by some of the Common Black Ant (Iridomyrmex sp), that were also enjoying the lemon flowers.

Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) and Common Black Ant on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT

The ants did not appear to be doing any harm, as they were checking out the wasp.

Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) and Common Black Ant on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) and Common Black Ant on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT

In the following photo you can see the Common Black Ant on the wing of the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp.

Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) and Common Black Ant on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT

In the following series of photos, the Common Black Ant is crawling from the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp back and across to the back leg.

The Common Black Ant on the antenna of the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula), whilst the wasp is busy enjoying the nectar.

Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT

Common Black Ants on the head and close to the eye of the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula).

Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Common Black Ants on the head of the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula), Alice Springs NT
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Common Black Ants close to the eye of the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula), Alice Springs NT

In the following photo, the Common Black Ant appears to be touching the eye of the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp.

Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Common Black Ants checking out the eye of the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula), Alice Springs NT

Following is a series of 42 photos with the Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp and the Common Black Ants (click the image to view the photos full screen).

Footnote & References

  1. Radumeris radula, iNaturalist, http://portugal.inaturalist.org/taxa/486986-Radumeris-radula
  2. Radumeris radula (Fabricius, 1775), Atlas of Living Australia, https://bie.ala.org.au/species/Radumeris radula
  3. Common Ants in Alice Springs, The Alice Springs Big Headed Ant Mapping Project, CSIRO, https://wildlife.lowecol.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/Ants-of-Alice-Springs-Fact-Sheet.pdf

Radumeris radula (Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp)Nectar Feeding Wasp and Common Black Ant

WaspsWasps Index Australian Large Wasps Australian Mud Nest Wasps Mud Wasp Velvet Ants Abispa ephippium Acarozumia amaliae Aulacidae Australodynerus Bembix Bembicinae Bethylidae Blue Hairy Flower Wasp Braconidae Chrysididae Cryptocheilus Delta latreillei (Potter Wasp) Delta philantes Eumeninae Euodynerus aspra Ferreola handschini (Orange-collared Spider Wasp) Flower Wasps Gasteruptiid Wasp Hairy Flower Wasps Isodontia (Grass-carrying Wasp) Lissopimpla excelsa (Orchid Dupe Wasp) Mutillidae Orange Wasps Paralastor sp. Pseudabispa bicolor ssp. nigrocinctoides Radumeris radula (Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp) Radumeris tasmaniensis (Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp) Rhynchium superbum Sceliphron laetum Sphex Thynnid Wasps Tiphiidae Torymus Yellow and Black Wasp

InsectsBees Beetles Blattodea Butterflies Coleoptera Cicada Crabronidae Diptera Dragonflies & Damselflies Formicidae Hemiptera Heteroptera Moths Orthoptera Orthopteroid Processionary Caterpillar Stink Bugs, Shield Bugs and Allies Wasps Water Scorpion (Laccotrephes tristis) Witchetty Grub