DipteraDiptera Index Flies Pollinators and Flies The Eyes of Flies Australian Sheep Blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) Australian Drain Fly Balaana Beefly Bat Flies Bee Flies Bee Fly (Anthrax) Ligyra Australiphthiria Chrysomya saffranea Clogmia (Moth Fly) Eristalinus punctulatus Musca Odontomyia (Soldier Flies) Hermetia illucens (Black Soldier Fly) Robber Flies Sarcophaga aurifrons Soldier Fly Syrphids

Clogmia sp, known commonly as Moth Fly or Drain Fly, is a non-hematophagous (does not feed on blood) insect of the Psychodidae family and have a worldwide distribution.

Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort

They can usually be seen near sewer drains, sewage treatment plants, swamps, and any other place containing decaying or moist organic matter. They are also found around plant pots (especially if they sit in saucers of water). As they thrive in stagnant and standing water, they are found in slow or clogged drains, refrigerator drain pans.

Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort

  • Scientific classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Subphulum: Hexapoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Informal: Pterygotes
  • Order: Diptera
  • Suborder: Nematocera
  • Infraorder: Psychodomorpha
  • Family: Psychodidae
  • Subfamily: Psychodinae
  • Tribe: Paramormiini
  • Genus: Clogmia
  • Species: Clogmia albipunctata

Footnote & References

  1. Clogmia sp (Moth Fly), Swan View WA © Jean and Fred Hort
  2. Clogmia Enderlein, 1937, Atlas of Living Australia, https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/6c3fd817-0215-4b36-a3ca-5dae6be602ad
  3. Psychodidae, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychodidae (last visited Nov. 24, 2021).
  4. Drain fly – Psychoda spp. – Featured Creatures, Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/URBAN/FLIES/drain_fly.html

DipteraDiptera Index Flies Pollinators and Flies The Eyes of Flies Australian Sheep Blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) Australian Drain Fly Balaana Beefly Bat Flies Bee Flies Bee Fly (Anthrax) Ligyra Australiphthiria Chrysomya saffranea Clogmia (Moth Fly) Eristalinus punctulatus Musca Odontomyia (Soldier Flies) Hermetia illucens (Black Soldier Fly) Robber Flies Sarcophaga aurifrons Soldier Fly Syrphids

InsectsBees Beetles Blattodea Butterflies Coleoptera Cicada Crabronidae Diptera Dragonflies & Damselflies Formicidae Hemiptera Heteroptera (True Bugs) Mango Planthopper Moths Orthoptera Orthopteroid Processionary Caterpillar Stink Bugs, Shield Bugs and Allies Syrphidae Wasps Water Scorpion (Laccotrephes tristis) Witchetty Grub