Alice Springs Fauna •
Alice Springs BlattodeaBlattodea Index Calolampra sp Desmozosteria cincta Ellipsidion australe Ellipsidion humarale Johnrehnia Pycnoscelus sp
Member of genus Pycnoscelus, possibly Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Surijnam Cockroach), it is one of the burrowing cockroach and considered a pest species in Australia. It is found tropical and subtropical regions, with isolated populations in temperate climates (usually in protective habitats such as pot plants and green houses.
Its populations are almost exclusively female, and it reproduces through parthenogenesis, having evolved several clonal strains from its sexual progenitor P. indicus.
Nymphs are around 4.5 mm long at birth, translucent white with orange-brown mandibles and spines, and darker eye spots than the rest of the head. The exoskeleton gradually hardens on exposure to air, becoming a glossy brown in 5 to 6 hours, while its underside and legs remain translucent. Older nymphs develop shiny black anterior abdominal segments, and roughened, dull black posterior segments.
Adults are around 18–25 mm in length, and have dark brown to black bodies with shiny paler brown wings.
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Hexapoda
- Class: Insecta
- informal: Pterygotes
- Order: Blattodea
- Superfamily: Blaberoidea
- Family: Blaberidae
- Subfamily: Pycnoscelinae
- Genus: Pycnoscelus
- Species: Pycnoscelus surinamensis
Footnote & References
- Many thanks to Matthew Connors for ID, member of Australasian Beetles Only,
- Pycnoscelus Scudder, 1862, Atlas of Living Australia,
- Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758), Surinam Cockroach, Atlas of Living Australia, surinamensis
Alice Springs BlattodeaBlattodea Index Calolampra sp Desmozosteria cincta Ellipsidion australe Ellipsidion humarale Johnrehnia Pycnoscelus sp
Alice Springs InsectsAntlion (Heoclisis fundata) Ants (Formicidae) Bees Beetles Index Blattodea Butterflies & Moths (Lepidopterans) Cicadas Coleoptera Diptera Dragonflies Mantodea – Mantises Orthoptera – Orthopteroids True Bugs (Heteroptera) Wasps
Alice Springs FaunaNative Bees Beetles Birds Gastropods (Gastropoda) Insects Marsupials Reptiles Spiders
Alice Springs FloraAlice Springs Flora Index Acacia ligulata Annual Yellowtop Bougainvillea Apple Bush Burdekin Plum Carob Tree (Ceratonia siliqa) Cattle Bush Desert Cotton (Aerva javanica) Desert Oak Eremophila Wildberry Feijoa sellowiana Flannel Cudweed Fork-leaf Corkwood Ghost Gum Golden Everlasting Kurrajong Lemon-flowered Gum MacDonnell’s Desert Fuchsia Native Bluebell Native Tomato Needlewood Olive Tree Perennial Yellow Top Rat’s Tail River Red Gum Inland River Red Gum Rosy Dock Round-leaved Mallee Scurvy Grass Silky Eremophila Stemodia viscosa Striped Mintbush Sturt’s Desert Pea Sturt’s Desert Rose Tangled Leschenaultia Tar Vine Weeping Bottlebrush White Cedar Yellow Billybutton Yellow-keeled Swainsona Yellow Oleander
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