Author Koh Lin â—¦
Looking beyond the bower…
Our Western Bowerbird has been around for many years now… from our very first blog Treasures of our Western Bowerbird (July 2020), we wrote about the bower being there for some years earlier. Indeed it was at leas 2016 (maybe earlier) that the very young male Western Bowerbird selected our olive tree in the heart of Central Australia, as the perfect place to build his bower to attract the ladies.
During that year of 2020, our Western Bowerbird tried his hand at a few different interior design and renovation… sometimes the change would appear to happen overnight… although it would depend on what was around at the time.
Our sequel, Looking forward… Even the bower bird had renovated… (1 January 2021) took us through the making of a bower and the journey we travelled so far… having emerged from the pandemic and realising life goes on and the importance of family and friends.
In 2022, we talked about The Road Ahead… what we have lived through, as we look into an uncertain future. The ground is seemingly scattered with debris of the past, but for some like our Western Bowerbird, they are treasures of the now, that lead us up to the bower and the future possibilities…
In 2023, we had a realisation and saw a huge growth in what we were writing about on Ausemade. The magnificence of the world around us shone forth.
In Secrets in my garden… we realised, once your interest is kindled, it is amazing how your brain and eyes seem to get tuned in to spotting small insects and spiders that once may have escaped your gaze unnoticed. So we had started sharing more of the treasures to be found from our garden…
So the year 2023 gave us a lot of activity throughout the year, where we were introduced to native orchids (from fellow contributors), and we talked about more species of bees, wasps and spiders, among others… and got really excited by sharing the “jewels” from our many other contributors, in our section on the “Jewel Beetles“.
Of course, in our garden, we are happy to say the bower is still in full use into 2024. The treasures are still being laid out meticulously by the industrious male Western Bowerbird…
So what can we look forward to in 2024…. we shall see 😀 There are bound to be a surprise or two… and here at Ausemade, from Alice Springs in the heart of Australia, we wish all our readers, authors and contributors the very best…