Even the bower bird had renovated…
Whilst it may be the year that everything got cancelled, for many of us, the pain, suffering, mental health and loss has followed them into the new decade. As we look forward to getting back to normal, whatever that is… we ask, does what we have come through and still going through provide hope or despair.
How will it be different? We don’t know yet. Will there be an end? Can we make a difference? or do we adjust our lives to live with our changing world.
Through the gloom of the year that has just past, there were some bright spots. Music seem to be big, with Pub Choir that brought people and their voices together. The neighbours, who struggled to make ends meet and to do basic things like shop for essentials, saw people stretched out there hands and heart. We realised the importance of family and friends.
Of course a gratitude is given to all our health professionals, those called out of retirement and for those who have died as a result. The unfortunate need of law enforcement to maintain law and order. There were many local people and groups who went out of their way to provide services from delivery of cooked meals to hearing a friendly voice, from a simply phone call to a Zoom or FaceTime.
Online shopping was big, as people spent time staring at their walls, refurbishing their homes, buying books and artwork, to stimulate the mind and nurture the soul.
Our western bowerbird had been very industrious during the 2019 Covid-19 period, constantly bringing in new stuff, rearranging and laying out his treasures.

He even did some renovation, with new twigs inserted into the bower wall, splashing out on welcoming items surrounding the bower, with even more enticing treasures inside the bower.

So here we are in 2021, a hope for a better year and a new realisation of the fragility of life. Perhaps we will now understand that it is not what we acquire in life, but what we leave behind that is important. So from looking back, we now look forward… Happy New Year to one and all.

Check out our first blog on Treasures of our Western Bowerbird.
More info can be found on the Western Bowerbird under our Birds section.