Stirling Range National Park Native OrchidsCaladenia barbarossa (Dragon Orchid) Cryptostylis ovata (Slipper Orchid) Caladenia polychroma (Joseph’s Spider Orchid) Caladenia pulchra (Slender Spider Orchid) Drakaea glyptodon (King-in-his-carriage Orchid) Elythranthera emarginata (Pink Enamel Orchids) Leptoceras menziesii (Rabbit Orchid) Praecoxanthus aphyllus (Leafless Orchid) Thelymitra speciosa (Eastern Queen of Sheba’s)
— see Orchidaceae (Orchids)
Commonly known as the Leafless Orchid, Praecoxanthus aphyllus is the only orchid species in the genus Praecoxanthus. A member of the family Orchidaceae, it is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia.

As the common name suggest, when the orchid is in flower, there is no leaf. The stem (usually about 30 cm long) rises from the ground. The orchid does however, produce a small oval leaf when it is not flowering. Praecoxanthus aphyllus is one of the first orchids to flower starting around March through to May.

The flower is 2–4 cm wide and long, with the petals usually a creamy white, although some may have a more creamy yellow colour to the petals. One petal is modified as the central labellum — the labellum has three lobes, coloured purple, green and yellow with two irregular rows of stalked, club-like calli.

The three sepals and two petals are spreading, creamy-white, free and similar in size and shape to each other. As is usual in orchids, one petal is highly modified as the central labellum. The flowers are highly fragrant and is known to attract native bees, although the flower is nectarless.

Photographs © Terry Dunham
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Phylum: Charophyta
- Class: Equisetopsida
- Subclass: Magnoliidae
- Superorder: Lilianae
- Order: Asparagales
- Family: Orchidaceae
- Genus: Praecoxanthus
- Species: Praecoxanthus aphyllus
Footnote & References
- Praecoxanthus aphyllus (Leafless Orchid), Stirling Range NP WA. Photographs © Terry Dunham
- Praecoxanthus Hopper & A.P.Br., Leafless Orchid, Atlas of Living Australia,
Stirling Range National Park Native OrchidsCaladenia barbarossa (Dragon Orchid) Cryptostylis ovata (Slipper Orchid) Caladenia polychroma (Joseph’s Spider Orchid) Caladenia pulchra (Slender Spider Orchid) Drakaea glyptodon (King-in-his-carriage Orchid) Elythranthera emarginata (Pink Enamel Orchids) Leptoceras menziesii (Rabbit Orchid) Praecoxanthus aphyllus (Leafless Orchid) Thelymitra speciosa (Eastern Queen of Sheba’s)
Stirling Range National Park FloraSRNP Flora Index Anigozanthos rufus (Red Kangaroo Paw) Banksia aculeata (Prickly Banksia) Banksia baxteri (Baxter’s Banksia) Banksia coccinea (Scarlet Banksia) Banksia oreophila (Mountain Banksia) Banksia sphaerocarpa var sphaerocarpa (Fox Banksia) Conospermum caeruleum (Blue Brother) Callitris pyramidalis (Swamp Cypress) Conospermum caeruleum subsp. oblanceolatum Darwinia wittwerorum (Wittwer’s Mountain Bell) Daviesia oppositifolia (Rattle-pea) Eucalyptus preissiana (Bell-fruited Mallee) Eucalyptus macrandra (Long-flowered Marlock) Eucalyptus uncinata (Hook-leaved Mallee) Hakea cucullata (Hood Leaved Hakea) Hakea lehmanniana (Blue Hakea) Hibbertia selkii Native Orchids
Stirling Range National ParkFauna Flora Landscape
Western AustraliaWestern Australia Fauna Western Australia Flora The Batavia Coast and Midwest WA Bungle Bungles – Purnululu National Park Great Southern WA South West WA Stirling Range National Park