Insects at Olive Pink Botanic GardenAustraliphthiria (Bee Fly) Ground Shield Bug (Choerocoris paganus) Laced Day-Moth (Ipanica cornigera) Orange Spider Wasp (Cryptocheilus bicolor) Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris tasmaniensis)
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Olive Pink Botanic Garden
Australia is estimated to have more than 200,000 species of insects, of which around 62,000 have been identified and named. With the growing interest by enthusiasts, citizen scientists, and the general public, insects have definitely acquired a buzz in people exploring the world around us.
As you stroll through the Olive Pink Botanic Garden, keep your eyes peeled for the many insects to be found. Whether they are flying around or on the trees, shrubs, grasses, spinifex and flowers, there is sure to be a few insects to spot.
Following are a couple of species we have photographed at the Olive Pink Botanic Garden, and below we list a selection of the many others that we have seen there.
- Blue Moon Butterfly (Hypolimnas bolina)
- Caper White Butterfly (Belenois java teutonia)
- Eumeninae
- Golden-browed Resin Bee (Megachile aurifrons)
- Jewel Beetle (Neospades chrysopygia)
- Laced Day-Moth (Ipanica cornigera)
- Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei)
- Female Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris tasmaniensis)
- Yeperenye / Yipirinya – Australian Striped Hawk Moth (Hyles livornicoides)
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Hexapoda
- Class: Insecta
Insects at Olive Pink Botanic GardenAustraliphthiria (Bee Fly) Ground Shield Bug (Choerocoris paganus) Laced Day-Moth (Ipanica cornigera) Orange Spider Wasp (Cryptocheilus bicolor) Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris tasmaniensis)