Olive Pink Botanic Garden
OPBG FloraBean Tree Bush Hibiscus Bush Plum Caper Bush / Wild Passionfruit Dead Finish Ghost Gum Heart-leaved Frankenia Krichauff Ranges Fuchsia Mulga Needlewood Pink Fire-bush Potato Bush Prickly Wattle Red-Bud Mallee Shrubby Fox-tail (Ptilotus whitei) Sticky Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) Sturt’s Desert Rose Tall Saltbush Wild Tomato Wire-Leaf Mistletoe
Set against the wonderful backdrop of the MacDonnell Ranges, the botanic garden home to a range of local and regional flora, with some forming part of the Indigenous cornucopia of bush medicine and bush tucker.
An arid zone botanic garden, the Olive Pink Botanic Garden is on the east side of the Todd River and close to the East MacDonnell Ranges in the Northern Territory.
We will be bringing for you some of our flora images from our many visits and interaction at the Olive Pink Botanic Garden.
- Bean Tree (Erythrina vespertilio)
- Bush Hibiscus (Radyera farragei)
- Bush Plum (Santalum lanceolatum)
- Caper Bush (Capparis spinosa var. nummularia)
- Dead Finish (Acacia tetragonophylla)
- Ghost Gum (Corymbia aparrerinja)
- Mulga (Acacia aneura)
- Pink Fire-bush (Commersonia magniflora)
- Potato Bush (Solanum ellipticum)
- Red-Bud Mallee (Eucalyptus pachyphylla)
- Sturt’s Desert Rose (Gossypium sturtianum var. sturtianum)
- Tall Saltbush (Rhagodia eremaea)
- Wild Tomato (Solanum quadriloculatum)
- Wire-Leaf Mistletoe (Amyema preissii)

OPBG FloraBean Tree Bush Hibiscus Bush Plum Caper Bush / Wild Passionfruit Dead Finish Ghost Gum Heart-leaved Frankenia Krichauff Ranges Fuchsia Mulga Needlewood Pink Fire-bush Potato Bush Prickly Wattle Red-Bud Mallee Shrubby Fox-tail (Ptilotus whitei) Sticky Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) Sturt’s Desert Rose Tall Saltbush Wild Tomato Wire-Leaf Mistletoe
Olive Pink Botanic GardenOPBG Fauna OPBG Flora