Olive Pink Botanic Garden
OPBG FaunaBirds at Olive Pink Botanic Garden Black-footed Rock Wallaby Insects at Olive Pink Botanic Garden Spiders
Set against the wonderful backdrop of the MacDonnell Ranges, the Olive Pink Botanic Garden is home to a range of local native wildlife, with most being part of the local Aboriginal culture.
An arid zone botanic garden, the Olive Pink Botanic Garden is on the east side of the Todd River and close to the East MacDonnell Ranges in the Northern Territory.
We will be bringing for you some of our fauna images from our many visits and interaction at the Olive Pink Botanic Garden.
- Black-footed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale lateralis)
- Grey-crowned Babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis)
- Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus)
- Western Bowerbird (Chlamydera guttata)

OPBG FaunaBirds at Olive Pink Botanic Garden Grey-crowned Babbler Sacred Kingfisher Western Bowerbird Black-footed Rock Wallaby Insects at Olive Pink Botanic Garden Australiphthiria (Bee Fly) Ground Shield Bug (Choerocoris paganus) Laced Day-Moth (Ipanica cornigera) Orange Spider Wasp (Cryptocheilus bicolor) Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris tasmaniensis) Spiders Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis) Striped Orb Weaver (Neoscona sp)
Olive Pink Botanic GardenOPBG Fauna OPBG Flora