Author Marc Newman and friends â—¦

Our BBB (Blue Banded Bee) and Lipotriches muscosa are both buzz pollinators.
On this flowering Nandina, is it a matter of who got here first…

The Nandina is nearing the end of flowering, and these bees are definitely competing for the flowers. The smaller bee was holding its own against the BBB.
The bee has its front legs around the anthers as if it’s saying “Mine, mine ALL mine!“

The BBB would land on the Lipotriches, but she wouldn’t give up her flower.
Well, this one is all mine!

Footnote & References
- Photographs Amegilla and Lipotriches muscosa, Ballandean QLD © Marc Newman, Flickr,
- Buzz Pollination < Bee Behaviour < Bee < Insects, Ausemade