Dragonfly or Damselfly?Side by Side The Little and Large Show The Shell Game Going to Extremes Side by Side answer Going Zen The Rule Acknowledgement of sources
Author Jeff Melvaine â—¦
Quiz 1: Side by Side
Southern Vicetail (Hemigomphus gouldii) male and Arrowhead Rockmaster (Diphlebia nymphoides) male, Gloucester River, Invergordon, New South Wales.
The above illustration shows one damselfly and one dragonfly, side by side. See if you can tell which is which. It’s somewhat paradoxical, based on what I’ve said so far, but that’s a significant part of the reason for writing this. I’ll return to the question with an answer later, but first I want to show some other examples, from easy to hard, to introduce you to the more paradoxical elements.
Dragonfly or Damselfly?Side by Side The Little and Large Show The Shell Game Going to Extremes Side by Side answer Going Zen The Rule Acknowledgement of sources
Footnote & References
- Author Jeff Melvaine / Photographs © Jeff Melvaine
Dragonflies & DamselfliesDragonfly or Damselfly? Sex Lives and Dragonflies Damselflies Diplacodes haematodes Diplacodes melanopsis (Black-faced Percher) Hemicordulia tau Orthetrum caledonicum Orthetrum migratum Orthetrum villosovittatum
InsectsBees Beetles Blattodea Butterflies Coleoptera Cicada Crabronidae Diptera Dragonflies & Damselflies Formicidae Hemiptera Heteroptera Moths Orthoptera Orthopteroid Processionary Caterpillar Stink Bugs, Shield Bugs and Allies Wasps Water Scorpion (Laccotrephes tristis) Witchetty Grub