Apis melliferaDark Apis mellifera Apis mellifera — Captured flora moments Acacia ligulata Black Pigweed Cape Honeysuckle Citrus Convolvulus cneorum Convolvulus sabatius Duranta Echinacea purpurea Eremophila nivea Eremophila Wildberry Eucalyptus erythrocorys Eucalyptus orbifolia Gazania Gossypium sturtianum Hakea leucoptera Osteospermum Pomegranate Poppy Sturt’s Desert Pea Sweet Basil
The European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) are often seen on the flowers of the Cape Honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis). This introduced South African species of plant, the Cape Honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) has become widely naturalised along the coastal regions of Australia, including eastern Queensland, coastal and central northern New South Wales, eastern Victoria and Norfolk Island. It is even found growing happily in the urban areas of Alice Springs in Central Australia.
It is a fast growing woody perennial vine/shrub, and is known to flower at different times throughout the year, especially after rain. The flowers are borne on short terminal racemes or narrow panicles. The flowers are tubular in shape, the corolla being fused petals, creating a curved funnel-shaped, approximately 4-7 cm long. The flowers are two-lipped with five oblong spreading lobes, with colours that are a bright orange, orange-red to almost scarlet in colour.
Apis melliferaDark Apis mellifera Apis mellifera — Captured flora moments Acacia ligulata Black Pigweed Cape Honeysuckle Citrus Convolvulus cneorum Convolvulus sabatius Duranta Echinacea purpurea Eremophila nivea Eremophila Wildberry Eucalyptus erythrocorys Eucalyptus orbifolia Gazania Gossypium sturtianum Hakea leucoptera Osteospermum Pomegranate Poppy Sturt’s Desert Pea Sweet Basil
BeesBees Anatomy Bee Behaviour Blogging Bees… Bees – image index Unidentified Australian Native Bees Amegilla Bees Apis mellifera Austroplebeia australis Austrothurgus Braunsapis sp Ceylalictus perditellus Colletidae Euryglossinae Exoneura Hyleoides bivulnerata Lasioglossum Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) Lasioglossum (Homalictus) Lipotriches Megachile Meroglossa Stenotritidae Tetragonula Thyreus Xylocopa