Central Coast FrogsEastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax)

Litoria fallax, also known as the Eastern Dwarf Treefrog and the Eastern Sedge-frog, is a small and common species of tree frog. that is found on the eastern coast of Australia, stretching from Cairns in Queensland, to the South Coast region of New South Wales. Sometimes individual Litoria fallax appear in other locations, but most like they have been accidentally transported in fruit boxes or hitch-hiking in vehicles.

The female of the species are between 25-30 mm in size, the adult male being smaller at 20 mm. They are fawn/green in colour, but can be variable depending on the environment, with colour ranging from faw to a light green on top, and the occasional black flecks on the back. The species has a white line that begins under the eye, to the stomach, which is also white. A brown line begins from the nostril of the frog, continues across the eye, and between the green (or fawn) and white of the body (sometimes not obvious to see). The toe discs are slightly larger then the toes, with the toes being 75% webbed. Some individuals speciemens will have an orange posterior thigh.

Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe
Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe

Litoria fallax are found in a variety of habitats, from coastal swamps, lagoons, dams, ditches, forest, heathland, cleared farmland and urban garden, especially where there are ponds. They can be found living among reeds and similar plants and often where there are banana trees in the northern parts of Australia (which accounts for sightings of the frogs being sometimes shipped with the bananas throughout Australia).

Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe
Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe
Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe
Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe
Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe
Eastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax), Central Coast NSW © Michael Doe

  • Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Subphylum: Vertebrata
  • Informal: Gnathostomata
  • Class: Amphibia
  • Subclass: Lissamphibia
  • Order: Anura
  • Family: Pelodryadidae
  • Genus: Litoria
  • Species: Litoria fallax

Footnote & References

  1. Photographs © Michael Doe
  2. Litoria fallax, Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog, FrogID, https://www.frogid.net.au/frogs/litoria-fallax
  3. Litoria fallax (Peters, 1880), Eastern Sedgefrog, Atlas of Living Australia, https://bie.ala.org.au/species/Litoria fallax
  4. Eastern dwarf tree frog, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_dwarf_tree_frog

Central Coast FrogsEastern Dwarf Treefrog (Litoria fallax)

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New South WalesNew South Wales Fauna New South Wales Flora Barunguba Montague Island Blue Mountains Bourke Bundeena Central Coast Kosciuszko National Park Lower North Shore Lightning Ridge Mount Kaputar National Park Northern Beaches Sapphire Coast Snowy Mountains Region South Coast Stony Range Regional Botanic Garden Sydney