Author Gary Taylor ◦
Not a bee this time, just a Bee fly, Bombyliidae, but possibly the largest fly we have here. They’re like thumbs with wings, super territorial and awesome to watch (and hear) when they fight over a patch of “turf”. It starts with an incredibly high speed 3-4 lap race through the one-wrong-move-and-your-dead obstacle course of Tea tree scrub (better than any cop chase movie I’ve ever seen 😄) and if they both survive that they shoot up into the clear air and battle it out in a full on good old fashioned aerial dog fight that not only can you see clearly but you can also hear the “Clack!… Clack!…” of them hitting each other real hard, perhaps trying to damage the others wings, dunno, but it’s on the edge of your seat action with stunning visuals, I give them 5 stars… ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️