Orthetrum caledonicumFemale Orthetrum caledonicum Mating Blue Skimmers Deceased Male Blue Skimmer
As one of Australia’s widespread species of dragonflies, the Blue Skimmer (Orthetrum caledonicum) can often be observed in the mating ritual.
Often seen skimming around and across stretches of water, from lakes, waterhole, sewerage ponds, backyard swimming pools and fish ponds, the mature male Blue Skimmer most likely will be on the lookout for the female Blue Skimmer.

Whilst the juvenile and young dragonflies may be a different colour (yellowish with dull black patterns), it is when they acquire their blue colouration in both the male and female that mating is usually observed.
Mating can occur in flight and may last just seconds or when they settle somewhere, where mating can last a little longer.
You can read more about the mating habits in our Sex Lives and Dragonflies.
Here are some Blue Skimmers mating from around Australia. You can observe them in the “wheel formation”, also referred to as a “mating wheel”.

Footnote & References
- Australian Dragonflies and Damselflies, Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/Ozdragonflies/
- Alice Springs Field Naturalists Club, Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/alicefieldnats/
Orthetrum caledonicumFemale Orthetrum caledonicum Mating Blue Skimmers Deceased Male Blue Skimmer
Dragonflies & DamselfliesDragonfly or Damselfly? Sex Lives and Dragonflies Damselflies Diplacodes haematodes Diplacodes melanopsis (Black-faced Percher) Hemicordulia tau Orthetrum caledonicum Orthetrum migratum Orthetrum villosovittatum
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