EuryglossinaeIndex Callohesma Dasyhesma Euhesma Euryglossa Euryglossina Xanthesma
The genus Euhesma within the bee family Colletidae are found in Australia. At the time of writing (4 April 2023), there were over 90 species described. This group lacks strong unifying features and maybe further split in the future.1

Some better pics of the Euhesma I got on the last bush run… I think she might have fallen asleep in the first pic ‘cos she didn’t move a muscle when I moved the flower she was on into the sunlight and shifted the foreground foliage for a clear pic 😃 4th pic was minutes later, she still hadn’t moved, let me get right in close and was still like that when I left her 😄
Author Gary Taylor

- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Hexapoda
- Class: Insecta
- Informal: Pterygotes
- Order: Hymenoptera
- Superfamily: Apoidea
- Informal: Apiformes
- Family: Colletidae
- Subfamily: Euryglossinae
- Genus: Euhesma
Footnote & References
- Euhesma, Wikipedia,
- Subgenus Euhesma, iNaturalist,
- Euhesma Michener, 1965, Atlas of Living Australia,
EuryglossinaeIndex Callohesma Dasyhesma Euhesma Euryglossa Euryglossina Xanthesma
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