Wasps — Batavia Coast and Midwest WAAcanthostethus sp Bembix spp Bembix vespiformis Bethylid Wasp Braconid Wasps Hatchet Wasps Velvet Ants
The Hatchet Wasp (genus Szepligetiella), belong to the family Evaniidae, a group of wasps (also known as flag wasps), of which there are around 40 species.
The Hatchet Wasps have a long thin waist and a flatish abdomen that moves up and down as they walk, resembling a flag or hatchet.
Pictures is the Hatchet Wasp, also known as the Red-bodied Hatchet Wasp.

- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Hexapoda
- Class: Insecta
- Informal: Pterygotes
- Order: Hymenoptera
- Superfamily: Evanioidea
- Family: Evaniidae
- Genus:
- Acanthinevania Bradley, 1908
- Brachygaster Leach, 1815
- Evania Fabricius, 1775
- Szepligetiella Bradley, 1908
Footnote & References
- Hatchet Wasps, Geraldton Midwest WA © Gary Taylor
- Hatchet wasps, Australian Museum, https://australian.museum/learn/animals/insects/hatchet-wasps/
- Evaniidae, Atlas of Living Australia, https://bie.ala.org.au/species/EVANIIDAE
- Hatchet Wasps (Family Evaniidae), iNaturalistAU, https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/taxa/199595-Evaniidae
Wasps — Batavia Coast and Midwest WAAcanthostethus sp Bembix spp Bembix vespiformis Bethylid Wasp Braconid Wasps Hatchet Wasps Velvet Ants
Insects — Batavia Coast and Midwest WANative Bees Wasps
Fauna — Batavia Coast and Midwest WAInsects Native Bees Wasps
The Batavia Coast and Midwest WAFauna
Western AustraliaWestern Australia Fauna Western Australia Flora The Batavia Coast and Midwest WA Bungle Bungles – Purnululu National Park Great Southern WA South West WA Stirling Range National Park