It was a very special launch of the 2022 Alice Springs Beanie Festival.
Ausemade were once again one of the many sponsors at this iconic and fantastic event in Alice Springs that bring entries from around Australia and even the world.
We can safely assume that many treasured beanies have been knitted with love by someone and purchased here at the festival and have gone out into the world.
As a family of dog lovers, we at Ausemade were thrilled to see the winner of our sponsored category “The Love of your Best Friend“:
— ‘Puppy Love‘ by Marilyn Hunter (69 yrs) from Alice Springs —
This beanie was inspired by the recent addition to our ‘family’.
In August 2021 we welcomed young “Beanie” into our home. Beanie was one of 5 dachshund puppies born locally. Mum and Dad along with their 5 puppies sit upon this beanie. Each puppy has its own distinctive features.
The hat was knitted using hand spun yarn. It was then felted, shaped, and embellished with a section of a recycled scarf and heart buttons.
The dogs were needle felted over a wire armature, using wool rovings.
Beanie artist Marilyn Hunter, Alice Springs NT — click on the main image to view full screen —
Beanie artist Marilyn Hunter, Alice Springs NT — click on the main image to view full screen —