Are you an Australian small business operating in the tourism sector?
In this current times of uncertainty for our Australian tourism sector, we are offering the opportunity for small tourism related business to have a presence on our website.
First off you need to meet these criteria’s:
- You are an Australian tourism-related business.
- You have an ABN / ACN

There are a number of options available to you.
- Attractions
You write or provide to us content on the area/region you operate in. This must include photos, including who owns the photos (as we will include the copywrite information of the owner). It is much to your advantage that you are the copywrite holder, as this increases the number of times your name or business appears on our website. - Accommodation
If you are an accommodation provider, you can certainly have a paragraph on your accommodation (with links back to your site). We do however also want information on what people can see and do (with images, that will include you as the copywrite holder). - Tours
If you are a tour provider, we suggest you write a blurb on the tours you offer with images. In addition you may want to write a blog (from the perspective of the traveller). - Blog
A popular option, as you can write either something related to your business or something completely different with your name and/or your business as the author. We recommend you check out our Blog section to browse through some of the blogs that have been written for us. You can then submit a blog proposal before writing the actual blog.

What we need
Please ensure you read the following:
- An image speaks a thousand words – we require photos to be included with your listing, article and blog. We require an image that sits well at the header (top) of the page and looks good in portrait and landscape (as many internet users browse on their mobile devices). We can tell you more about this image later.
- We need at least 10 images or more to be selected from for the page. Some will either be displayed as single images, in a single image layout, gallery layout, and/or carousel layout. Have a browse through our site to see the various layouts we use across our website.
- You must include a link back to the home page of our site (within your website). We would also suggest that you include a link back to the listing/content you have provided.
- Supplied images must be 1 Mb or more (we can set up a share folder in our Google cloud drive, or you can just email them to us.
- Images must be at least 2500 pixels by 1500 pixels. The larger the better. This allows us to do resizing and/or cropping to fit our image blocks. Most mobile phones now take spectacular photos that we can certainly use.
- We do not accept photos with the watermark splashed across the middle of the photo. Whilst you can certainly have your business watermark on the photo, we prefer you to have them in the bottom right or left of the photo. The page where you images appear will include the copyright symbol and name on the page.
- Ausemade have the right to edit any text provided before we publish. Usually this may only be minor grammar edits or to text and paragraph changes to enhance the flow of the text in association with the images.
Finally, make sure you are aware of our Terms and Conditions.
We look forward to a reciprocal partnership to not only help each other in the tourism business, enhance our Australia industry as a whole, but to also provide our travellers and visitors to Ausemade, information that will benefit and enhance their research when planning their holidays. We also aim to entertain, and to provide our readers some great content.

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