Aseroe rubra (Anemone Stinkhorn Fungus)Aseroe rubra – Before and after
Aseroe rubra is a widespread basidiomycete fungus (Basidiomycota, a large and diverse phylum of fungi), that is recognised by the intense odour of carrion (rotting meat) or sewage. The fungi produces a dark brown to black slime on the surface of the fungi that contains the spores, which has the intense smell. The fungi has a star-shaped structure on a white stalk. The smell attracts flies that help to spread the spores.
It is often found in gardens growing on wood or bark-chip mulch, in grassy areas and deep litter rainforest floor.
Aseroe rubra is known by a number of common names including Anemone Stinkhorn, Sea Anemone Fungus, Starfish Fungus and Devils Hands.
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Eukaryota
- Kingdom: Fungi
- Phylum: Basidiomycota
- Subphylum: Agaricomycotina
- Class: Agaricomycetes
- Subclass: Phallomycetidae
- Order: Phallales
- Family: Phallaceae
- Genus: Aseroe
- Species: Aseroe rubra
Footnote & References
- Photographs Anemone Stinkhorn Fungus (Aseroe rubra) © Deb Taylor
- Anemone Stinkhorn Fungus (Aseroe rubra), debtaylor142, iNaturalistAU,
- Aseroe rubra Labill., Atlas of Living Australia, rubra
- Aseroe rubra, Wikipedia,
Aseroe rubra (Anemone Stinkhorn Fungus)Aseroe rubra – Before and after
FungaAseroe rubra (Anemone Stinkhorn Fungus) Podaxis pistillaris (Desert Shaggy Mane) False Shaggy Mane Leucocoprinus fragilissimus (Fragile Dapperling)