Publications & Social MediaFacebook groups Entomology Australia “Invertebratology” LinkedIn

One of the popular Facebook groups is Entomology Australia “Invertebratology”, and at the time of writing is marked as a Private group with 13.6K members.

Here at Ausemade, we have often sought identification advice on some of the insects before writing about them. You can check out some of them here.

Banded Sugar Ant (Camponotus consobrinus), Belair SA © Marianne Broug
Ants (Formicidae)
Camponotus denticulatus, Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Camponotus denticulatus
Silver Wattle Leaf Beetle (Calomela ioptera), Ballandean QLD © Marc Newman
Genus Chalcophorotaenia, Alice Springs NT
Eretes australis (subfamily Dytiscinae), Alice Springs NT
Eretes australis (Padded Diving Beetle)
Paropsisterna beata (Blessed Leaf Beetle) larva, Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Paropsisterna beata (Blessed Leaf Beetle larva)
Saccharodite chrysonoe (Derbid Planthopper), Mount Glorious QLD © Tony Eales
Fulgoromorpha (Planthopper)
Mango Planthopper (Colgaroides acuminata)
Colgaroides acuminata (Mango Planthopper)
Green and Black Planthopper (Desudaba psittacus), Gold Coast QLD © Stefan Jones
Desudaba Psittacus (Green and Black Planthopper)
Ellipsidion humerale on the Banksia praemorsa, Alice Springs NT
Native Cockroach / Bush Cockroach (Ellipsidion australe), Alice Springs, NT
Ellipsidion australe
Granulomelon adcockianum (Land Snail), Alice Springs NT
Granulomelon adcockianum (Camaenid Land Snail)
Spiny Bark Mantis (Gyromantis sp), Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Gyromantis sp (Spiny Bark Mantis)
Genus Odontomyia (member of Soldier Flies Family Stratiomyidae), Alice Springs NT
Odontomyia (Soldier Flies)
Opaluma (Australian Soldier Fly), Alice Springs NT
Opaluma (Australian Soldier Fly)
Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp (Radumeris radula) with black ants on lemon blossoms, Alice Springs NT
Radumeris radula Wasp and Common Black Ant
Yellow-shouldered Hover Fly (Ischiodon scutellaris), Alice Springs NT
Pristhesancus plagipennis (5th instar), Ballandean QLD © Marc Newman
The Assassin with Xylocopa (Lestis) aeratus (Pristhesancus plagipennis)
Velvet Ant Family (tribe Dasymutillini, genus Dasymutilla), Alice Springs NT
Velvet Ant Family (Tribe Dasymutillini)
Desert Huntsman Spider (Isopedella inola), member of the Australian Huntsman Spider group, Alice Springs NT
Australian Huntsman Spiders (Sparassidae)
'Backobourkines' or 'Three Pointed Orb Weavers', Alice Springs NT
Beautiful Badge Huntsman (Neosparassus calligaster), Cotter River ACT © Tony Eales
Calligaster Group of Spiders
Male and female Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spiders (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs NT
Golden Orb Weaver Web of Sex
Australasian Garden Orb-Weavers (genus Hortophora), Alice Springs NT
Hortophora sp
Water Scorpion (Laccotrephes tristis), Alice Springs, NT
Laccotrephes tristis (Water Scorpion)
Nasutitermes triodiae creating termite mud tube along the blades of spinifex grass, Palm Valley, Finke Gorge National Park
Nasutitermes triodiae
Sondra aurea (Jumping Spider), Alice Springs NT
Sondra aurea (Jumping Spider)
Zodariidae, family (Ant Spiders), Alice Springs NT
Zodariidae, family (Ant Spiders)

The very first post we put on Entomology Australia “Invertebratology” Facebook group (28 May 2021), seeking identification was the following:

It was identified as the Spiny Bark Mantis (Gyromantis sp).

This was then followed (12 December 2021) by our blog It’s a jungle out there!

Stocking the larder of the Mud Wasp (Eumenes latreilli), Alice Springs, NT
Stocking the larder of the Mud Wasp (Eumenes latreilli), Alice Springs, NT

Sleeping beauty…

"Alate" Termite (family Termitidae), Alice Springs NT
“Alate” Termite (family Termitidae), Alice Springs NT

We also loved sharing some pages on various species we researched (that usually included insects ID from the members of the group)…

Euryopis umbilicate (Superb Ant-eater Spider)

29 September 2024
Just researched the Superb Ant-eater Spider (Euryopis umbilicata), also known as the Australian Ant Slayer … cannot wait to see one in the flesh… 😀

Superb Ant-eater Spider (Euryopis umbilicata), Lytton QLD © Tony Earles
Superb Ant-eater Spider (Euryopis umbilicata), Lytton QLD © Tony Earles

Aphylidae (Pentatomoid Bug)

26 September 2024
Well I was wrong with this one, not a beetle but a bug… (thanks to Kimberi Pullen) 😀

Aphylidae (Pentatomoid Bug), Alice Springs NT
Aphylidae (Pentatomoid Bug), Alice Springs NT

My heart at the tail end

24 September 2024
Sharing blog of a recent encounter in Alice Springs 🙂

Dicranolaius bellulus (Red and Blue Beetle), Alice Springs NT
Dicranolaius bellulus (Red and Blue Beetle), Alice Springs NT

Chalcopteroides (Chalcopterus Beetle)

12 Septermber 2024
Chalcopteroides (Chalcopterus Beetle), Brisbane QLD photos by Hongming Kan 🙂

Chalcopterus Beetle (Chalcopteroides sp), Karawatha Forest QLD © Hongming Kan
Chalcopterus Beetle (Chalcopteroides sp), Karawatha Forest QLD © Hongming Kan

WA Beetles Index

18 September 2024
Many thanks to Mark for the photographs, allowing me to create the section on the Western Australia Beetles… look forward to adding more beetle species 🙂

Western Australia Beetles - Ausemade filmstrip
Western Australia Beetles – Ausemade filmstrip

More information coming…

Ref link:

Publications & Social MediaFacebook groups Entomology Australia “Invertebratology” LinkedIn