Delta latreillei (Potter Wasp)Potter Wasp – identity crisis Potter Wasp – larder Potter Wasp – mud nest Potter Wasp – water
The Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei, previously classified as Eumenes latreilli) are great mud nest builders, however they do need access to water, whether it is waterhole, gorges or in our gardens, such as bird baths, fish ponds or pools. These sources of water, enables the mud wasps to mix the sand/clay to create a mud paste for making their nests and adding to existing mud nests.

- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Hymenoptera
- Family: Vespidae
- Subfamily: Eumeninae
- Genus: Delta
- Species: Delta latreillei
previously - Genus: Eumenes
- Species: E. latreilli
Delta latreillei (Potter Wasp)Potter Wasp – identity crisis Potter Wasp – larder Potter Wasp – mud nest Potter Wasp – water
WaspsWasps Index Australian Large Wasps Australian Mud Nest Wasps Mud Wasp Velvet Ants Abispa ephippium Acarozumia amaliae Aulacidae Australodynerus Bembix Bembicinae Bethylidae Blue Hairy Flower Wasp Braconidae Chrysididae Cryptocheilus Delta latreillei (Potter Wasp) Delta philantes Eumeninae Euodynerus aspra Ferreola handschini (Orange-collared Spider Wasp) Flower Wasps Gasteruptiid Wasp Hairy Flower Wasps Isodontia (Grass-carrying Wasp) Lissopimpla excelsa (Orchid Dupe Wasp) Mutillidae Orange Wasps Paralastor sp. Pseudabispa bicolor ssp. nigrocinctoides Radumeris radula (Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp) Radumeris tasmaniensis (Yellow Hairy Flower Wasp) Rhynchium superbum Sceliphron laetum Sphex Thynnid Wasps Tiphiidae Torymus Yellow and Black Wasp