BudgerigarBudgerigar – flocks & flights Budgerigar – nesting Budgerigar – juvenile Budgerigar – resting & roosting Budgerigar – water Budgerigar – mixed company Budgerigar – morphs & disabilities
The juvenile and immature Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) have the black barring on their foreheads that extends down to the cere (the waxy fleshy featherless covering at the base of the upper beak), especially the frons (the forehead or feathered front of the crown, just above the upper bill base) and cheeks. Some may have the black spots on the throat area, whilst other juveniles will not. They are also duller in colour.
In the following, you can see the duller colours in plumage of the immature Budgerigar.
The juvenile Budgerigar perched up on the branches of a tree and preening itself. You can see the fine barring over the top of the head, down the front to the top of the beak.
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Aves
- Order: Psittaciformes
- Family: Psittaculidae
- Genus: Melopsittacus
- Species: M. undulatus
- Binomial name: Melopsittacus undulatus
BudgerigarBudgerigar – flocks & flights Budgerigar – nesting Budgerigar – juvenile Budgerigar – resting & roosting Budgerigar – water Budgerigar – mixed company Budgerigar – morphs & disabilities
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