Fauna of Simpsons GapBirds of Simpsons Gap Frogs of Simpsons Gap

> Black-fronted Dotterel | Black-breasted Buzzard | Grey-headed Honeyeater | Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo | Painted Finch | Red-backed Kingfisher | Wedge-tailed Eagle ◦

As well as being home to a range of fauna from tiny insects to black-footed wallabies, Simpsons Gap is a popular location for bird watching.

Some of the bird species sighted here include:

Black-fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops)

Check out our section on Dotterels Lapwings Plovers for more info on the Black-fronted Dotterel.

Black-breasted Buzzard (Hamirostra melanosternon)

Our Fauna and Birds section has more information on the Black-breasted Buzzard.

Grey-headed Honeyeater (Ptilotula keartlandi)

Our Fauna and Birds section has more information on the Grey-headed Honeyeater.

Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo (Lophochroa mollis)

Our Fauna and Birds section has more information on the Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo.

Painted Finch (Emblema pictum)

Our Fauna and Birds section has more information on the Painted Finch.

Red-backed Kingfisher (Todiramphus pyrrhopygius)

Our Fauna and Birds section has more information on the Red-backed Kingfisher.

Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax)

Our Fauna and Birds section has more information on the Wedge-tailed Eagle.

There have been many bird species sighted at Simpsons Gap over the years. Following are some of those birds species. Where available, we have provided a link to some information on the bird specie.

Footnote & References

  1. Sightings, West MacDonnell National Park – Simpsons Gap, eBird, https://ebird.org/hotspot/L1225546

Fauna of Simpsons GapBirds of Simpsons Gap Frogs of Simpsons Gap

West MacDonnell RangesBirthday Waterhole Ellery Creek Big Hole Finke Two Mile Glen Helen Gorge Jay Creek John Flynn’s Grave Historical Reserve Laura Creek Larapinta Drive Mount Sonder / Rwetyepme Namatjira Drive The Neil Hargrave Lookout Ochre Pits Ormiston Gorge & Pound Point Howard Lookout Redbank Gorge Simpsons Gap

MacDonnell RangesEast MacDonnell Ranges West MacDonnell Ranges Tjoritja West MacDonnell National Park