Bee FliesBee Flies Index Anthrax (Bee Fly) Australiphthiria Balaana Beefly Cryomyia sp Ligyra Neosardus cosmus
The genus Balaana, from the family Bombyliidae, are a group of flies known commonly as “Bee flies”, and in this instance the Balaana Beefly. At time of writing, there are seven described species in this genus Balaana. They have a body length of between 10-18 mm.
The bee fly pictured here is the species Balaana abscondita, similar to the species Balaana gigantea.

These bee flies are dark brown to black in colour. The black-patterned wings help to identify them. Also identified by the the broad white scale band, and extensions on the apical margin of the band.
- Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Informal: Pterygotes
- Order: Diptera
- Suborder: Brachycera
- Informal: Orthorrhapha
- Superfamily: Asiloidea
- Family: Bombyliidae
- Subfamily: Anthracinae
- Genus: Balaana
- Species: Balaana abscondita
Footnote & References
- Balaana abscondita, iNaturalistAU – Many thanks to chris-lambkin from the iNaturalistAU community for ID confirmation and additional info,
- Gigantea Beefly II – Balaana abscondita,
- Balaana, (last visited Dec. 23, 2021)
- Bee-fly (Balaana gigantea), – Birds, Books & Other Stuff,
Bee FliesBee Flies Index Anthrax (Bee Fly) Australiphthiria Balaana Beefly Cryomyia sp Ligyra Neosardus cosmus
DipteraDiptera Index Drone Flies and Hover Flies Flies Pollinators and Flies The Eyes of Flies Australian Sheep Blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) Australian Drain Fly Bat Flies Bee Flies Bee Flies Index Anthrax (Bee Fly) Australiphthiria Balaana Beefly Cryomyia sp Ligyra Neosardus cosmus Chrysomya saffranea Clogmia (Moth Fly) Eristalinus punctulatus Miltinus stenogaster Musca Odontomyia (Soldier Flies) Odontomyia Index Hermetia illucens (Black Soldier Fly) Physiphora alceae Physocephala australiana Robber Flies Sarcophaga aurifrons Soldier Fly Syrphidae Syrphids Common Halfband (Melangyna viridiceps) Yellow-shouldered Stout Hover Fly (Simosyrphus grandicornis) Therevidae
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