Author Koh Lin â—¦

Following on from our blog There’s more than size, when opposite attracts, another look at the escapades of the males and the female… when it is time to play for the Australian Goldern Orb Weaver Spiders (Trichonephila edulis) in the magnificent landscape of the Alice Springs Desert Park

Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis) - male and female, Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Male and female Australian Golden Orb Weaver (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs Desert Park NT

Known as “sexual dimorphism”, the size is not the only difference between the male and female Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spiders, as they are also very different in appearance.

Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis) - male and female, Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Malesand female Australian Golden Orb Weaver (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs Desert Park NT

Males of this species are usually tiny, although there are what is known as the diamorphic males, where the male can be nearly as big as a young female, although the male still need to take care, and not end up being a meal for the female. You can see one of the tiny males on the top side of the female abdomen (well away from the clutches of the female golden orb). There is another larger male playing safe (further away from the female).

Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis) - males and female, Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Males and female Australian Golden Orb Weaver (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Large dimorphic male Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs NT
Large dimorphic male Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs NT
Female and large male Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs NT
Female and large male Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs NT
Male and female Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs Desert Park, NT
Male and female Australian Golden Orb Weaver (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs Desert Park NT
Large male Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs NT
Large male Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis), Alice Springs NT

If you want to read some serious and not so serious stuff about this species of spider, check out the following: