The Birthday Waterhole is a semi-permanent pool on the Hugh River in the Tjoritja / West MacDonnell National Park that is fringed by large River Red Gums and other native trees and shrubs.
The Birthday Waterhole plays an important ecological role, providing a refuge and habitat for a variety of creatures including birds, and a number of waterbirds. Some of the creatures found here such as insects, desert rainbow fish, frogs and other aquatic invertebrates, provide food for larger animals.
Water filled track to the Birthday WaterholeRecent rain have filled the rutted tracks to the Birthday Waterhole with water
Spencer’s Burrowing Frog (Opisthodon spenceri)
When conditions are right, especially when there is a decent amount of rain, visitors to the Birthday Waterhole will get the opportunity to see the Spencer’s Burrowing Frog (Opisthodon spenceri). After significant rain, water can also be seen pooled in the rutted tracks. Frogs will also take opportunity to spawn in these ephemeral pools of water, so keep your eyes out for tadpoles.
Tadpoles (most likely the Spencer’s Burrowing Frog), Birthday Waterhole, West MacDonnell Ranges / Tjoritja
Tadpoles (most likely the Spencer’s Burrowing Frog), Birthday Waterhole, West MacDonnell Ranges / Tjoritja
Tadpoles (most likely the Spencer’s Burrowing Frog), Birthday Waterhole, West MacDonnell Ranges / Tjoritja
Tadpoles (most likely the Spencer’s Burrowing Frog), Birthday Waterhole, West MacDonnell Ranges / Tjoritja
Nardoo and Spencer’s Burrowing Frog, Birthday Waterhole, West MacDonnell Ranges / Tjoritja
Spencer’s Burrowing Frog (Opisthodon spenceri), Birthday Waterhole, West MacDonnell Ranges / Tjoritja – click image to view full screen
Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis)
Unknowingly, as we were driving towards the Birthday Waterhole we had driven through an Australian Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Trichonephila edulis) web, as it was stretched across the track. The spider was retrieved and safely deposited on a nearby shrub. The female spider picture here, is also known as the Golden Orb Weaver.