One of the interesting and amazing wasps often seen in Central Australia is the Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei). A fairly large wasp (the one pictured here is just over 3.5 centimetres in length from head to the tip of the abdomen), it also goes by the name of the Orange-tailed Potter Wasp aka Mud Wasp.
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
The Orange-tailed is evident, but the other common name of Mud Wasp is because they make their nest out of local mud (in Central Australia, the nest is often reddish in colour). They often hang around ponds, bird baths and swimming pools, as they need water to mix with the mud when creating their mud nest.
Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei) at mud nest, Alice Springs NT
A solitary wasp, that is rarely aggressive if left alone, it is one of my current favourite wasps. Indeed, it was really something to see it land on the rock around the swimming pool and just stay there for several minutes, just taking it casual and striking a pose (as I whipped out my mobile phone camera).
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
So, if you like this wasp like I do, here is a presentation of this gorgeous potty wasp…
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), Alice Springs NT
If you like to learn more about the Orange-tailed Potter Wasp (Delta latreillei), check out the following pages: