Author Koh Lin â—¦

I have often been asked why I do what I do with Ausemade… the answer is, I love it.

It is something that I nuture, watch it grow and want to share. When I look at my page count, I can see that as of today (24 December 2024), I have published 261 blogs and 3,300 pages of content, that makes a grand total of 3,561 pages live on the website.

You can read the beginnings of this website in the About Us… but since then, the website has evolved with dramatic changes in direction and content…

Sure some content has remained the same, but now I have the pleasure of writing about things I enjoy and sharing things from our growing number of contributors and authors… 😀

We write about the wide open spaces, ranges, gorges, waterholes, national parks, and botanic gardens…

Even when walking through the cities, it is amazing what your eyes will focus on, such as the beauty of skylines, cityscapes and escalators 😀

and then there are the art and sculptures, with some hidden in plain sight…

sharing our enjoyment of festivals and events…

This is a taste of Australia…

labour of love | labour of love… flora | labour of love… orchids | labour of love… fauna | labour of love… native bees | labour of love… beetles | labour of love… birds | labour of love… native wasps | labour of love… reptiles

Check out other blogs by Koh Lin.