Photograher Michael Doe ā—¦

Creatures so strange…
that maybe they only exist in fantasy and science fiction…

Yet stare long enough…
you are ensnared by their hypnotic beauty…

Believe in the reality…

Arkys curtulus, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys curtulus, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys furcatus, Woy Woy NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys furcatus, Woy Woy NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys furcatus (male), Woy Woy NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys furcatus (male), Woy Woy NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys sp, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys sp, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys speechleyi, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Arkys speechleyi, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Ordgarius sp, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Ordgarius sp, Narara NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Ordgarius magnificus (Magnificent Spider), Patonga NSW Ā© Michael Doe
Ordgarius magnificus (Magnificent Spider), Patonga NSW Ā© Michael Doe

Photographs Ā© Michael Doe

Now thatā€™s a Wrapā€¦ | The beauty and the… | Creatures so strange…