Author Dorothy L. ◦
Part 2 ◦ Excitement among the scrubby dead trees…
A couple of days later I was back on the road, heading into South Australia, Narracoorte for fresh supplies, then onto the Bool Lagoon. Little Grassbird and the Southern Emu Wren were on the top of my list for this area. After much searching and disappointments I had almost given up, then suddenly I saw the Emu Wrens, both male and female, among some scrubby dead trees… click click click click click… I must have a good photo among that lot.
I then drove to another spot at Bool Lagoon and whilst sitting in the car with my trusty camera gear on the seat beside me, I decided to listen to the Southern Emu Wren calls on my app. When out of the blue the Little Grassbird flew into the reeds near the car!
I nearly wet my pants, I had been waiting for ages to get a chance to photograph it. Have you ever tried to reposition yourself in a car without seeming to move? Not easy! But my photos are fabulous!
Next stop Victoria….
Trip of a Lifetime | Back on the road… | whirr… whirr… a flat battery!! | Photographer’s paradise
Check out our information on the Southern Emu-wren (Stipiturus malachurus) and the Little Grassbird (Poodytes gramineus).