Snapshots from Ausemade FacebookFacebook 2 Facebook 3 Facebook 4 Facebook 5

As Ausemade continues our walk back in time, looking back through our archive of Facebook cover photos, it certainly brings back memories of our travel through Australia… with much more to see.

Ausemade Facebook - Pygmy Mulga Goanna (Varanus gilleni)
Pygmy Mulga Goanna (Varanus gilleni), Alice Springs Reptile Centre (posted 15 Aug 2012)

Following images from our archive were Facebook cover photos, in no particular order…

Snapshots from Ausemade FacebookFacebook 2 Facebook 3 Facebook 4 Facebook 5

Snapshots from AustraliaSnapshots from New South Wales Snapshots from the Northern Territory Snapshots from South Australia Snapshots from Antarctica Snapshots Road Trains in Australia Snapshots from Ausemade Facebook Snapshots from the stats The Tree of Life…